1 Minute - What's More Important?

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1 Minute - What's More Important?

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1 Minute - What's More Important?

MP4 Video - 720p (88.72 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.31 MB)

It's amazing how much happens on the Internet in just one minute. But how important is it?



[Steve Myers] What can happen in just one minute? I ran across some interesting statistics on a website called qmee.com, and that's where this chart comes from. Amazing things happen in just one single minute.

Notice some of the things that are listed on this specific chart. It says that 216,000 photos are shared on Instagram in just one single minute. Over here at Amazon, amazon.com in one minute does $83,000 of business, of sales in just one single minute. It's phenomenal. Wal-Mart, 17,000 transactions in just one single minute. I couldn't help but think of all the things that go on on the web, and that's what's their recording here.

Things that are going on on the web in one minute. Talk about the interesting things that are happening. Talk about knowledge that seems to be exploding all recorded here in what's going on in just one single minute. Of course it doesn't talk about gossip being exploding and what's happening on the web. It doesn't talk about false rumors. It's not talking about senseless communication, but all of that's happening as well.

In fact that reminded me of a passage that Daniel recorded for us about these very times that we live in. In Daniel 12:4 he talks about the time of the end when people are running to and fro and knowledge will increase. And I wonder if we can look at those statistics and realize the amazing things that happen in one minute, and yet how much of this is really what's most important? That's what really began to strike me.

What is most important, and a different scripture came to mind when I began to think of that and that's the passage that's found in Ecclesiastes 12:12. Let me read that one for you. It says, "Of making of many books there is no end." It reminded me of all these different websites and transactions and different things that are taking place on the web in just a single minute. There's just no end to it it seems. And yet, let's hear the conclusion of the matter. How important really is all of this? Well, here's what Ecclesiastes says in verse 13, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter," here's what's most important in other words, "Fear God and keep His commandments for that is man's all" (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

So be careful about all this information that's going on there and remember what's most important. Make it priority number one. Love God. Keep His commandments.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.