100,000 Years?

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100,000 Years?

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100,000 Years?

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How much time are you spending on certain habits?


[Steve Myers] Let's think about something for just a moment. I'll try to draw a strange little thing here. It almost looks like a teeter-totter, but it's supposed to be a balance. You know, when you weigh something, you try to find the balance in that. How much does it weigh?

Well, this came to mind to me the other day when I was looking through some statistics about the internet. How much time do you spend on the internet? Well, here you are looking at this video, so hopefully, that's a very good thing. But the interesting thing about this particular survey is it asked people, "Have you found yourself spending too much time online?" Well, what percentage of people do you think have said, "Yes, I've found myself spending too much time online."? Well, it seems like almost everybody, almost 7 out of 10 people say that.

I was reading this article in the "Milwaukee Independent" and it talked about something I had never heard of before, and perhaps you have not either. It's called SMAD. SMAD, it's social media addiction disorder. It's those who spend so much time on social media. And whether it's Facebook, or whether it's Twitter, or whether it's one of the other mediums, people are spending a lot of time and now they're finding themselves addicted to being online. I mean, I was really surprised to hear about the number of hours that are spent on Facebook every month. Do you know how many hours are spent on Facebook? Now, it's not even hours, but according to the "Milwaukee Independent," every month, the cumulative time people spend on Facebook is 100,000 years. Years. That was shocking when I heard that statistic.

Do you think that it's possible that SMAD really does exist, that there is an addiction disorder that's out? I think it certainly is, and that's the challenge that brings us back here to this scale. That's what Proverb 16 talks about. Proverb 16:11 says this, "Honest weights and scales are the Lord's. All the weights in the bag are His work." Yeah. And you might think that's just talking about weighing something, but that's what life is about. Life is about weighing things out, and what's important and what's not, and, "How can I put things in balance in my life?" That's the goal we need to have. And so, if we find ourselves online longer than we intend to be, as soon as we recognize that, let's pray about it, pray and ask God, "Help me to get a balance in my life. Help me to have the right perspective so I'm not overdoing things."

It's not that it's bad to be online. That's not the case. We can choose good things online, but we need to do it in balance. So, let's pray and ask God to give us that balance. And if we find ourselves really in trouble, get the help that you need. Any addiction, you've got to have special help. And so, get the help you need if you find yourself addicted to social media.

So, let's put things in balance. Let's look to God, ask Him to direct our lives so we can have the proper scales. That's BT Daily, we'll see you next time.