A Lesson from Jonah

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A Lesson from Jonah

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A Lesson from Jonah

MP4 Video - 1080p (72.95 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (44.26 MB)
MP3 Audio (926.63 KB)

The story of Jonah shows us that God will always hear our prayers.


[Steve Myers] Everyone's familiar with the story of Jonah, Jonah and that big fish that swallowed him. And oftentimes we think about the idea of, don't run away from your problems, don't run away from God. We have this tendency to have this fight or flight mentality. And Jonah certainly wanted to get away. He didn't wanna follow God's directions. But there's another aspect of the story that really jumped out at me the other day when I was reading through Jonah 2. And if we take a look at it, it's interesting to see what Jonah says after he's swallowed by this giant fish. He recognizes he's disobeyed God. Why would God want to hear him? Why would God listen to him? Well, notice what Jonah prays in chapter 2. It says, "He prayed to God...to the Lord his God from the fish's belly and he said, 'I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried.'" The Sheol is the grave. And he was good as dead if God didn't hear him. And what happened? Jonah says, "And you heard my voice."

What a great reminder for all of us. Are we good enough for God to hear us? Well, Jonah certainly wasn't good enough, he ran away. None of us are good enough by our own means. But no matter what our situation, no matter where we find ourselves, no matter what area we are in, no matter what challenge, tribulation, trial, wherever we are, when we cry out to God and we turn to Him, He hears us. So remember the story of Jonah. Cry out to God, He'll always listen.

That's BT Daily. See you next time.