America: The Time Is Now!: Coming to Texas

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America: The Time Is Now!

Coming to Texas

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America: The Time Is Now!: Coming to Texas

MP4 Video - 1080p (151.5 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (45.74 MB)
MP3 Audio (564.65 KB)

Beyond Today is presenting "America: The Time Is Now!" in Dallas, San Antonio and Houston. Understand what God is doing in the world today and what He could be doing in your life.


[Jamie] What’s going on today, Rudy?

[Rudy] Hey, man. Just loading up, getting ready to head to Texas.

[Darris] We’re packing up Beyond Today. We’re taking it on the road – it’s going to Texas. We’re taking the Beyond Today experience, Beyond Today Live, on a three-night campaign into Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. This Beyond Today event is going to be coming and bringing a very important message called “America: The Time Is Now”.

Why is America’s role in the world changing? Why do we see the moral landscape of this country taking such a dramatic change as we do, and what does it mean for your life? Gary Petty, Steve Myers, and myself will be bringing the answers to those questions in these campaigns in these three cities over the next few days.

You can go to our Beyond Today site and sign up and reserve your place (, and we hope to see many of our readers, subscribers, and viewers to Beyond Today there to help understand what God is doing in the world today and what He can be doing in your life. “America: The Time Is Now”, coming to Texas. We hope to see you there.

That’s BT Daily. See you next week.