An Uncertain Time

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An Uncertain Time

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An Uncertain Time

MP4 Video - 1080p (99.51 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (60.02 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.93 MB)

There is a way you can deal with uncertainty during this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic.


[Steve Myers] The Word of the Day may be uncertainty. What's going to happen next? How many people will be infected? What's going to happen to the world? What's going to happen to the economy? Everything seems pretty uncertain right now. So, as God's people, where do we turn? We've got to turn to God and His word. In His word, it gives us encouragement, gives us guidance, and helps us to have the right frame of mind. In these uncertain times, turn to the Word of God. Look at passages like the ones we find in John 16. In John 16:33, we're told very clearly by Jesus Christ himself, "In me, you will have peace but in the world you'll have tribulation. But take heart!" be courageous, in other words, have courage, "I have overcome the world."

We have an amazing Savior who loves us. We have a Father who cares for us that made a way that we can ultimately have peace and safety in his family forever. Keep these passages in mind when uncertainty starts to cloud your spiritual vision, passages like this one, and one also that you find over in the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 43 beginning in verse 1, it's a great reminder. It tells us God's perspective. It says I have called you by name. You are mine. That's what God's telling us. It says, "When you pass through the waters," the floods can be difficult, He says, "I will be with you. And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you." And so when the rivers of this virus, or difficulties, or trials, or tribulations come, what does God say? "I'm with you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned." These are amazing promises. It says the flame won't even scorch you. Is God with us? No doubt. He says, in verse 3, "For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." We have a rescuer. We have a Savior. So no matter what this world may throw at us, we can take comfort in uncertain times.

That's "BT Daily". We'll see you next time.