Cosmic Disturbance

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Cosmic Disturbance

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Cosmic Disturbance

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MP3 Audio (3.17 MB)

The end of the age will be marked by dramatic events; without a focus on God we could miss the significance of those events. 


[Darris McNeely] If a third of the stars in the sky suddenly went dark, if the moon went dark, if the sun went dark, would it get your attention? Would it cause you to think that something of such cosmic proportions is happening, that you need to change your life and get it in line with God and get religion? You'd think so wouldn't you? You know, in the book of Revelation, you read of the prophecies that speak to such events taking place.

Revelation, Chapters 8 and 9, are really some of the heart of the most dire prophecies as the seven plagues or trumpet plagues are opened, and occur on earth during the time of the tribulation, and the day of the Lord. And it says things like this, that, "The fourth angel sounds and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon and a third of the stars, and a third of them were darkened. And a third of the day did not shine likewise the night."

In other words, everything is out of kilter, the descriptions. And it goes on to describe other huge, large, cosmic disturbances that are taking place on the earth during this period of God's judgment upon the nations. And you know what it says when it comes down to Chapter 10:20? "But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of their works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold and silver, brass, stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders, of their sorceries, or their sexual immorality, or their thefts."

All this going on and still, people don't repent, they don't change. Why?

I've pondered that I teach this to students every year when we go through the book of Revelation, at Ambassador Bible College and you've probably read this as well. Why don't they repent? I don't have all the answers, I have a little bit of a thought, a speculative thought, based on what I see going on today with people who are concerned about the climate crisis, global warming. And a great deal of attention, money, and governmental policy and nations is being directed toward stemming the catastrophes that could come upon the earth because of human activity, fossil, fuels, and all of that issue. And I'm not knowing where it's all going to go and when all these events are going to take place. But with all the focus on human-engineered global catastrophe, that is in the news that people are frightened and concerned about. What if, when these events begin to unfold that are very real, and are part of God's prophetic scenario of the end of the age, and people see it, and they can't see God? They can't see the hand of God in what is taking place. They see it as human-engineered climate change of such proportions. However, it is acted out, or however, it unfolds upon the earth that they don't see God, and therefore, they don't repent. They will not repent and acknowledge God in their lives and repent of their idolatries, their thefts, and their immorality, as the scripture says.

Could it be that we are seeing prophetic foundations being laid right now? With so much that is happening culturally and politically in our world today, that can give us a bit of an understanding a possible understanding of why it is that certain events take place as they do. And why it will be very difficult for humanity to repent. It's something to think about, as I like to say.

And then there's the book of Revelation that fascinates it, it's instructive. There's so much there to think about the mind and to harvest and understanding God His purpose and His plan and how we should live.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.