Do you have an Etch A Sketch character?

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Do you have an Etch A Sketch character?

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Do you have an Etch A Sketch character?

MP3 Audio (494.55 KB)

Is your word your bond or do you change with the wind?



[Darris McNeely] Is your word your bond? Do you really mean what you say and say what you mean? There was recently a flap made in the political circles over a comment made by an aide to one of the Presidential candidates where he said that the man's message now could change—kind of like an Etch A Sketch, a kid's toy that you write on and then you can just shake it up. Whatever is written disappears. And he was talking about the message of the candidate. It's an interesting comment because it speaks to really the character and the validity of the message that people like that make with their audiences.

[Steve Myers] Yeah, I think the point was that depending on his audience, the message would change. So, it was fluid, it was something that whatever he meant, it changed when he talked to different people.

[Darris McNeely] And you couldn't count on really what you were hearing to be the truth of the person's heart. You know, it made the point that really what we do say should really reflect our character and our deepest integrity and meaning. And what is written, whether it's faith or charity—whatever virtue we might have—should be permanent, not something that we can just press the button and clear the page just like that. But what is written in our hearts should be something that is permanent and lasting, just like the character of Jesus Christ.

[Steve Myers] And that's a wonderful point because Paul made that in Ephesians...or, excuse me, in Hebrews 13:8 where he said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So, Christ set that perfect example. He set the example that His character was set. That's what He was. That's who He was. He meant what He said. He said what He meant. And that's what we need to emulate. We need to be like Christ—that we mean what we say and it's not just a belief, but it's who we are.

[Darris McNeely] So whatever is written on our heart, in our life, should be something that's permanent, lasting, and stays there.

[Steve Myers] That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.