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MP4 Video - 720p (92.28 MB)
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It's great to have support from others. Do you make it a point to encourage?



[Steve Myers] I was reading an article the other day and it quoted Mark Twain as saying, "I could go two months on one good compliment." How about you? How far can you go on encouragement? Have we made it a part of our lives? In fact, the Bible encourages us to do that very thing. There's a passage in 1 Thessalonians and it's in chapter 5 and verse 11. Here's what it says. It says, "Comfort each other and edify one another just as you're also doing" (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Now, I like that passage because – all right, as God's people, we're trying to do these things, but here's Paul encouraging those in Thessalonica to go to the next level. And you know in our personal lives, do we do that? When was the last time we complimented and we  encouraged our mate? Hopefully that's something we're trying to do every single day. How about our children? How about our parents? Have we put this to practice in our congregations? Paul is telling us that's the thing that we need to do. In fact, he started this whole chapter by encouraging us to think about the times that we live in – and boy, we're kind of like Mark Twain. We need a good compliment. We need some encouragement. We need something positive in our lives. And so, are we ready to do that? And perhaps something that we need to do that much more that will help spur each other to even greater service, to greater love, to greater dedication to God.

And so as you think about it today, I hope you'll take it to heart and make it your goal to put this into practice and make it happen, so we can help each other to live that much longer on a good compliment, on some good encouragement.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.


  • Walt- Arleen Salmon
    You and the other presenters do an excellent job of preaching God's word, teaching and encouraging us. Thank you!
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