God's Word - For All Generations

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God's Word - For All Generations

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God's Word - For All Generations

MP4 Video - 720p (89.03 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.11 MB)

God's Word is not just for us but also for those to come!



[Steve Myers] Sometimes we can't help but be a little self-focused. Looking at ourselves oftentimes gets us distracted. And I was reading the other day in one of the Psalms. It's in Psalms 102 and it takes the focus off of self. Have you ever noticed this particular passage before? It's in Psalms 102:18, and it says something amazing about the word of God. Here's what it says: "This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord."

Boy that really got me thinking. Talk about getting the focus off yourself, that God sees the entire span of history, and He looks forward to the time the next generation will come along. And this word was written for them as well. Isn't that an amazing thing? God looks forward to revealing this word to the next generation.  And in fact, I think this particular Psalm also reminds us that there's a responsibility for you and I, those that God has called right now, there's a responsibility to that coming generation.

He expands on this over in the New Testament in Ephesians. In Ephesians 3:21 He talks about that responsibility. He says to the Father, or to Him, "Be glory in the church to Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever, amen." So do we have a responsibility to carry on that word of God in our life? Do we have a responsibility to live God's way, to show forth that Jesus Christ is living His life in us and through us so that will, that word is carried on to the next generation, and like He says here, to all generations?

In fact that's what God's looking forward to, to the time when all generations will come together ultimately with the New Jerusalem, with God the Father, when we all together can experience eternal life in the Kingdom of God. What an awesome family that will be. So we have that responsibility then to carry on God's word to all generations.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.