How to Have a Successful Bible Study: Part 5

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How to Have a Successful Bible Study

Part 5

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How to Have a Successful Bible Study: Part 5

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MP3 Audio (1.41 MB)

As you study the Bible, if something seems to be confusing or contradictory always let the Bible shed light on the scripture and lead you to understanding. Scriptures do not contradict each other, they complement one another.


[Darris McNeely] I had one of my former students come up to me the other day asking me a question about a particular verse in the Bible and a discussion he was having at work with another individual about the interpretation of this verse. I won't get into what the topic was here, it's not relevant. But what I pointed out to the student, and I will point out to you, when it comes to having successful Bible study, understanding the Bible, we have to be able to employ this next tip. And that is to let the Bible interpret itself.

Let the Bible do its interpreting. So many problems, so many false teachings have arisen and perpetuated through the years because individuals, denominations, churches, movements, have put their own interpretation on the scripture that is not there from the scripture. If as you read the Bible, something seems to be confusing or contradictory, always let the Bible shed light on the scripture and lead you to that understanding. Scriptures do not contradict each other, they complement one another. But we have to be patient and we have to be willing to put in the work to find out what the Bible says, all the Bible, on a particular topic. 2 Peter 1:20, speaking about prophecy but it applies also to all scripture and all topics. Peter wrote, "No prophecy is of any private interpretation." We can say no part of scripture is of any private interpretation and certainly not prophecy that people get off into their own weird interpretations of all of that. But you cannot take one scripture out and make that solely the interpretive explanation for a particular topic.

Also in order to properly understand the Bible and letting it interpret itself, you cannot force your personal view into it. You can't do that. Or, what you taught, been taught, what you think it should mean, or where it fits, maybe, where you are in your life. You can't do that, not with the Bible. God's Word is truth and we have to approach it with reverence and respect.

In Isaiah 28:9-10, a well-known passage, it speaks to this principle that all of us have to employ and letting the Bible interpret itself. It says, "Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little." We have to be able to go through all of the text of the Bible, know what the Bible says completely on its subject, and let the Bible interpret itself. Go into it with that point of view, you'll have a successful Bible study. And it will revolutionize what you think you understand about scripture.

That's BT Daily, join us next time.