Hyper Fast to Destruction

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Hyper Fast to Destruction

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Hyper Fast to Destruction

MP3 Audio (388.95 KB)

The latest weapon of war was tested yesterday. Are we on target to devastation?



[Steve Myers] Have you heard the latest news from the Pentagon? Just yesterday, they tested a hypersonic weapon.

I ran across the website that talked about that particular weapon. Now this isn’t a picture of that one, but one that was like it that they tested. They launched it from Hawaii, all the way to one of the other Pacific Islands—more than 2,500 miles.

As I read about this article, I was shocked to see that this weapon can reach anywhere in the world within an hour. Within an hour, anywhere. And the amazing part was not that it could go anywhere within an hour, but once it’s launched they can maneuver it. They don’t have to pinpoint a location. They can maneuver that weapon traveling at almost 4,000 miles an hour.

Can you imagine that?

It reminded me of what Christ said. In Matthew 24, He talked about a time that’s coming where mankind could destroy itself (Matthew 24:21-22). We’re spending millions and millions and millions of dollars—$239 million on this project. That one bomb, do you know how much that cost? $69 million for that one bomb—that one test.

And yet Isaiah, Isaiah 2:4 it says there’s coming a time that nations will not rise up against nations. We will not learn war anymore. Boy, imagine that time.

Imagine that time. We should remember what Christ taught us to pray. He says pray thy Kingdom come.