Is God's Law Done Away?

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Is God's Law Done Away?

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Is God's Law Done Away?

MP4 Video - 1080p (64.72 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (39.03 MB)
MP3 Audio (903.93 KB)

Some claim God's Law is no longer in effect. What is the truth? 


[Steve Myers] Many Christians today think that God's law is somehow done away, that it no longer applies. That I don't have to worry about God's law, and that sets the stage, because God is all about grace. Well, one of the problems with that is that God's law is in effect today. And can you prove that? I mean, what is the purpose of God's law?

Well, in Romans, it reminds us very clearly about God's law. In Romans 3:20, notice what it says. This is at the end of that verse. It says, "For by the law is the knowledge of sin." Okay, here's a problem then. If you say the law is done away, how do you define sin? How do you know what sin is? Would you say, there's no sin, if God's law is done away then you have no concept of what sin is. Why do you need to repent, why do you need to change? How do you define? Does everyone claim then to be sin-free when they say the law is done away? You see that's a contradiction in what the Bible really tells us. The Bible says the law tells us what sin is. We have knowledge of sin because of God's law. So it's a contradiction to say God's law is done away.

And remember Romans 3:20, it's one of those passages that show us very clearly that God's law is in effect, and by following God's law, we can begin to identify sin and then overcome sin with the help of God's spirit.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.