Keys to Understanding the Bible: Part 15: Know God's Ways

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Keys to Understanding the Bible

Part 15: Know God's Ways

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Keys to Understanding the Bible: Part 15: Know God's Ways

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MP3 Audio (2.41 MB)

Another key to understanding the Bible comes from the Proverbs.


[Steve Myers] Proverbs 3:5-6 are familiar words to most of us, it begins by saying, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding." Certainly, we have to have full reliance on God, no doubt about that. But then it also says this in verse 6, "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Now on a cursory reading of that, you might just think, well, okay, I know God is with me, I know God is around, He's kind of there, I acknowledge that fact. But that's really not what the Hebrew is talking about when it says in all your ways acknowledge Him. That's the Hebrew word, yada, it's Y-A-D-A in English. And when you look at that, it's more than just kind of a tip of the hat, just a general, yeah, I recognize He's there kind of a thing.

That acknowledge really means to know Him and His ways inside and out. It really gets down to the fact that I have to recognize that God is ultimate judge over all things, over my life. And that word yada you'll find hundreds and hundreds of times throughout the Old Testament. And when it comes really bright down to what it means, it has such a variety of implications. Yada, acknowledge Him, respect Him, have that kind of understanding of His way. Be sure about Him, consider Him, discover Him, discern His ways, understand how vital God is to all things.

And so it's an amazing word with so many different facets that we can begin to see that it's not just a casual thing in acknowledging God, it's something that we have to take to heart and recognize the fact that this is talking about a life-altering perspective that in everything, in all things, we acknowledge God, we recognize His presence, we take our behavior and we order that according to His standard. And so when we acknowledge Him, this is a powerful recognition that God is in control, God is in charge and He is overruling all things in His wonderful providence.

So in all our ways, let's acknowledge God. Now, of course, it doesn't mean that nothing will ever go wrong when we acknowledge God. Yes, He'll direct our paths. But ultimately it's showing when we acknowledge God and we recognize His supreme authority over all things, over our lives, that He's there, even in the difficult things, even in the challenges, even in the bad things because those things will become more bearable when we acknowledge God recognizing He's gonna share that load because ultimately God has an amazing plan for each and every one of us.

So let's prayerfully consider the impact that God wants to have in our life. Let's trust Him in all things and truly acknowledge Him and ultimately He will direct our paths.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.