Living Up to Your Name

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Living Up to Your Name

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Living Up to Your Name

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MP3 Audio (1.31 MB)

Here's the importance of a good name.



[Steve Myers] What's in a name? We've had some fun lately looking at different baby names. Have you ever done that? Look up the meaning of a name for a baby? It's amazing to find what those names actually mean, that they represent something. And when it comes to the name that really means the most there's some significant things that are said in the Bible.

In Acts chapter 4 we find the early church beginning, and of course as they began they focused on Jesus Christ prophesying, predicting, showing that He was the Messiah. And they did remarkable things in His name. In Acts chapter 4 it deals with a man who was lame from birth who was healed. And the apostles say something interesting there. They say in verse 10 chapter 4 that, "Let it be known to you all and all of the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you" (Acts 4:10). So, powerful things were done by the name of Jesus Christ.  In fact a little bit later in Acts chapter 4 it shows a little bit of the power of that name when they say exactly what that means to each and every one of us.

In verse 12, in verse 12 they say here's the amazing aspect of the name of Jesus Christ. They say, "There is salvation..." Or let me start that again. Verse 12, "Nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which men must be saved" (Acts 4:12). So the power of the name of Jesus Christ. That is an amazing thing.

Now, it doesn't stop there because as God's people we are called Christians. We are Christ's. Now, what does that name mean to us, and how does it impact who we are? You know, when someone says your name, what is it that comes to mind? Is it the power that is behind the name Christian? You know, it should be. It should be. In fact, in the book of Ephesians it talks about that very fact because we are Christians, and we are named after the name of Christ. In Ephesians it talks about the whole family in heaven and earth are named after Him (Ephesians 3:14-15).

And so are we living up to our name as Christians? Let's make it our goal that no matter what we strive to live up to the name of Jesus Christ.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.