Mr. Know-it-all?

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Mr. Know-it-all?

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Mr. Know-it-all?

MP4 Video - 1080p (80.88 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (48.64 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.08 MB)

The proper perspective is the starting point to a clearer path forward.


[Steve Myers] Mr. Know-it-all, you ever been called that? I have. I think it was one of the things my mom always reminded me of when I was kid. Because you think you know everything. But as you grow up, you realize you don't. God gives us that same reminder to ask Him for help when we need understanding. There's this passage in the Psalms, in Psalm 119. In fact, it's the longest Psalm in the Bible. And in verse 125, God reminds us of this. It says here, "Give me understanding that I may know your testimonies."

That should be our perspective, not only when we don't know what to do or we have a question about which way to turn. This is one of those general statements that we should always be going to God. "Give me understanding God because I want to understand." In fact, this word for understanding has an implication that it reflects on discernment. "Help me to discern," especially in this day and age.

Sometimes it's just not clear. What's the best way to go? What's the best action to take? "Give me discernment, God. Help me to see what would be the next step to take, the best step to take." And so when we look to God and His way, understanding His law as it says here, "That I may know your testimonies." Well, that's gonna direct our steps. When we understand God's law and His way and His will, now we're able to discern better. Now we're able to have understanding when we face a situation because when we let God's way and His law guide us, we're going to have a much better outcome rather than just try to make our way through and not have that clear-cut direction.

So keep Psalm 119 in mind when we're facing every day, "Lord, give me understanding. Help me with discernment that I may really draw that much closer to you and see your path in my life."

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.