No Man Stands Alone

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No Man Stands Alone

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No Man Stands Alone

MP3 Audio (1.75 MB)

On our journey to God's Kingdom we need continual encouragement.



[Darris McNeely] There's an old saying, "No man is an island. No man stands alone." I thought about that the other night when Steve and I started a Bible study series on the book of Revelation here in Cincinnati. And we were going through the first chapter of Revelation. In chapter 1 and in verse 9 of this chapter the Apostle John makes a statement to his audience and he says, "I John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos," as he was there imprisoned by the Roman Emperor. It was a time of severe tribulation and persecution upon Christians. But John makes the point to all the other members of the church and something that is very important for all of us to know, and that is that we don't walk alone in our trials, in our journey toward the Kingdom of God. John said, "I am your brother and your companion." And he had the credibility to be able to say that and for people to understand that he was with them, he understood all that they were going through and every aspect of their life. And I think that's an encouraging aspect of our journey toward the Kingdom of God as we learn to support and help one another.

[Steve Myers] Yeah, and I think he gets to the point that there's a family that God's creating. You know, when he talks about the fact that he's a brother and a companion, it intimates the kind of fellowship we're supposed to have. We're supposed to be sharing each other's' lives.  God's creating a family. Christ is our elder brother. John doesn't point to the fact that he's the last remaining apostle here and exhibit his authority. But he shows the connection in the relationships that we have with each other. And he points to the fact of the testimony of Christ, that Christ is a witness to these things and the word of God and the ultimate plan of God is that we are God's children, we are—God is creating a family. And so it's an amazing insight there.

[Darris McNeely] The journey to the Kingdom of God is one of the most amazing trips and journeys that anyone could be on. It is—it absorbs your life. It's really an extreme experience in and of itself. And that's what John was really pointing to and helping people to understand. There's  so many other scriptures from the New Testament as well that talk about the extreme nature of this journey and the fact that we need that help of others and encouragement going along toward that.

[Steve Myers] One of the passages that comes to mind is over in 2 Timothy, 2 Timothy 2:12. It talks about this journey that we're on and the ultimate opportunities that we're going to have to be with Christ and to be a part of His family. In verse 12 he says, "If we endure, we shall also reign with Him." And so God has this amazing plan that ultimately the Word of God is going to be preached to the entire world. Christ is going to return and we're going to have an opportunity to reign and rule with Him in the God family.

[Darris McNeely] John was giving his audience a lesson in courage. Sometimes it takes courage just to get through each day of our life. It certainly takes courage to face the challenges of obeying God and walking with God in this life as well. And he was letting his audience know that he was with them, that he understood what they were going through, and they were in it together.

[Steve Myers] He was going through it. I mean he was, you know, imprisoned on this island, and so he can identify with the sufferings and the trials and the difficulties that the Romans were persecuting the Christians. And so he understood that. And we are in it together. You know, God certainly identifies with what we're going through. And so we could have fellowship with each other, encourage each other, we can endure, we can overcome these things with the help of God.

[Darris McNeely] Make that a point in your life, in your journey toward God's Kingdom.

[Steve Myers] That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.