Roe v. Wade: Abortion's 39th Anniversary

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Roe v. Wade

Abortion's 39th Anniversary

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Roe v. Wade: Abortion's 39th Anniversary

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The US Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 but can we really call it freedom and liberty?



[Steve Myers] I was startled by a statistic I heard about just the other day. It was regarding the most common surgical procedure done on American adults. Do you know what that procedure is? Abortion. Abortion is the most common. That just took the breath right out of me when I heard that. To imagine that here we are 39 years after the decision of Roe v. Wade and it is the most common procedure done on adults. It just does startle you when you hear that.

[Darris McNeely] The numbers are numbing. 3,000 a day. More than 50 million just in America alone during this period of time. Those numbers are not even matched by the great massacres and slaughters of world history of even the 20th and 21st Century. The murders of Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and Sadam Hussein in more recent years don't even come up to the number of abortions that have been performed in the name of freedom, in the name of equality, rights, whatever term we want to produce, it's created a culture of death as some have said and there's no better way to put it exactly what we have come to in this world. This is not a matter of gender. This is not just a matter of politics. Liberal or conservative or whatever you want to say. This is a human issue and we can't ignore it, we really cannot because it's something that God does not ignore.

[Steve Myers] And it's amazing how flip-flopped our thinking has become on this as you think about God's perspective on this. A passage that came to mind is in Psalm 127 where it talks about God building the house. God is building a family and it says "unless the Lord builds a house, they labor in vain." And so much of the case is that our view of the family, our view on these babies it's such a vain and useless approach. In fact, a little bit farther on it says in verse 3, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord." Or some translations say a gift from the Lord and it goes on to say, "The fruit of the womb is a reward" or it's a wonderful gift. And yet, our society doesn't see it that way anymore (Psalm 127:1-5).

[Darris McNeely] No, not at all. You know, history shows that any culture that has practiced infanticide, which is exactly what murder is, or what abortion is—any culture that does that enters a period of judgment. Steve said this was the 39th anniversary; we're into the 40th year of this being a legalized feature of American culture, and history shows that any culture that has done this, any society, ultimately comes to a period of judgment—and it's not pretty. Our people, our lands—in any country that practices murder of its own young, creating such a culture of death will be judged by God. And that judgment is not going to be pretty. We can't cover all of this in one setting; we will come back to this and talk about it more, but it is something for us all to seriously consider when it comes to our own ways and what we need to understand.

[Steve Myers] That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.