Same Old, Same Old?

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Same Old, Same Old?

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Same Old, Same Old?

MP4 Video - 1080p (73.73 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (44.49 MB)
MP3 Audio (1012.16 KB)

What can you do when you are in a rut?


[Steve Myers] Same old, same old. You've heard the phrase before. Sometimes things don't seem to change. They kind of get kind of boring. Things just are always pretty similar, day after day, after day. You ever felt like that? I think we all have in many ways. But there's an interesting psalm, I think, that can help stimulate us to have a different kind of a perspective. In the book of Psalms, we find this passage in Psalm 40. And in verse three, here's what David was inspired to write. He said, "He," meaning God, "has put a new song in my mouth. Praise to our God." So if you're going through the same old, same old, we can ask God, "Give me a new song." It's almost like, you know, you're going through the day and you get that song stuck in your mind. Maybe you heard it on the radio, or somewhere somebody was singing this thing, and now you're stuck with this thing. And it goes through your mind over, and over, and over again. That's time for a new song.

We can pray and ask God, "Give me that new song." And there's something about singing and songs that can change your whole perspective. In fact, look how much. He says, "Many will see it, and fear, and trust in the Lord." In other words, when we get down, and we get discouraged, we pray and ask God, "Give me that new song. Give me that new perspective. Give me that new mindset." God can help us to have that different, new, fresh perspective. And it's not just something that helps us. It can impact others. When we put our confidence, we put our trust in God, it doesn't have to be the same old, same old. We can have a new perspective. And many will see it. And ultimately, it can impact their lives as well.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.