Should Christians Observe Easter or Passover?

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Should Christians Observe Easter or Passover?

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MP3 Audio (700.05 KB)


Should Christians Observe Easter or Passover?

MP3 Audio (700.05 KB)

Should Christians celebrate Easter or Passover? To find the right answer, you must look to the right source.



[Steve Myers] A question came in today off of our website, and they asked the question, "Should Christians observe Easter or Passover?" That is a huge question—one we certainly can't answer in just a couple of seconds here. But one that is so important, I think we need to address. Especially when you begin to think about what is Easter and what is Passover.

Certainly different things come to mind when you think of those two subjects. Easter, you may think of the resurrection of Christ or you may think of an Easter egg hunt or maybe you think of bunnies and baskets and all of those kinds of traditional things. Of course, on the other hand, Passover, you may think of the death of Christ. You may think of His sacrifice. You may think of the blood and the bread that He gave as a representation of His sacrifice.

So, when you begin to think about those things, which one should you observe? Which one should you celebrate? What should a Christian really do?

Well, I think first of all you've got to understand where your authority comes from in your life. Does it come from your family? Does it come from traditions? Does it come from God and the Bible? Because I think there's an interesting connection as you begin to think about those two things because oftentimes we're told throughout the Bible that we should look for the truth. We should seek truth and we should knock. And Christ says that we'll find it if we do those kinds of things.

So, are you ready for a different kind of a hunt this year? I hope you are because when you look into the Bible, where is Easter found in the Bible? Search for it. Hunt for it. Look for it. Is it there? If you begin to think about the resurrection being on a Sunday, is that really what the Book says? Does the Book really point you that way when you're maneuvering, looking for what—where the answers really are? And how about the fact that Jesus Christ Himself told us we should observe one of those events? Now, where would you find that?

Well, I think you get out the Book and follow the example that is given in Acts 17:11. As Paul went about preaching the gospel, there was a group of people that he spoke to. And do you know what they did? They took that admonition to heart. And it says about them that, "They searched the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so."

You know, I think that's a great idea. If you're ready to explore truth, you need to look to the Book. Look to the Book and find out what's in here. Find out what the real facts are, and then act on those. Search for them. Seek them out. Christ says you will find them. And maybe as a little hint, over in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 it does describe Christ as our Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7-8).

So check it out. Look for the truth and you will find it.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.