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Social Media

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Is social media the best way to build a relationship?



[Steve Myers] You probably heard of this recent British survey. Darris talked about this just the other day. It revolved around social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all those things, and peoples' use of those different social media in order to - well, I guess they were supposed to supplement their relationships. And yet so many of them said that social media played a major part in their breakups. Now that was the amazing part. They said that social media played a role, negatively, in the termination of their relationship. 50% said their romantic relationships broke up and that included married couples.

Now, one of the things that's interesting about that is if we're using social media to try to cement a relationship or even to break up, is that the best use for this? There's wonderful things of social media. You keep up with people and friends and see pictures of relatives and all of those good things. And yet does that help our relationships when we're striving to draw closer to people? Well, there's an interesting passage that's in the Proverbs I think that kind of ties in with this.

When you look at the proverb, Proverbs 25:11, it's a simple proverb, but I think it has a great lesson for us. It says, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."

So can I just text that message and that's going to draw me closer to you? Or is there something with being face to face? Is there more than just some connection through a wireless internet connection? Or face to face communication, face to face contact, drawing together emotionally, and bonding? And yeah, even if relationships have difficulties are you going to solve them by texting someone? Well, I think what God's saying here, there's speaking involved. There's contact that's involved. And the type of our communication plays a major role in that all together. Ephesians 4 talks about speaking the truth in love and having that connection with one another.

So I think next time you go to text something or go on Facebook to write to somebody, is it something that might be better said in person? Maybe think about that.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.