The Four Horsemen of Revelation

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The Four Horsemen of Revelation

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The Four Horsemen of Revelation

MP4 Video - 1080p (36.58 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (13.72 MB)
MP3 Audio (325.9 KB)

You can understand the horsemen of Revelation and why it is important to you.


[Darris McNeely] The book of Revelation has many dramatic, colorful scenes of Bible prophecy in the end time. Perhaps the most dramatic is that of the ride of the four horsemen in chapter 6 – the opening of the six seals of the book of Revelation – where you have a white horse of deception, you have a red horse of war, a black horse of famine, and a pale horse of pestilence. It’s an amazing prophecy. It has baffled people for many, many years, but yet you can understand the ride of the four horsemen, and as we bring out in our Beyond Today program on the topic that you can find on our archives site, there is more than just four horsemen in Revelation. What is the fifth one? Why is it important to you? Check it out to find out.

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