What Does God Expect?

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What Does God Expect?

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MP3 Audio (580.52 KB)


What Does God Expect?

MP3 Audio (580.52 KB)

If you want to please God where do you start? Choosing the right framework is a great way to begin.



[Steve Myers] A question came in from one of our Beyond Today viewers. And they asked, "I really want to do what's right. How can I please God? What does He expect of me?" Well, those are pretty big questions when you think about it. You know, it's going to be something that frames your life. And what is it that frames your life? What is it that makes you who you are? And how do you please God? Those are huge questions.

[Darris McNeely] Amazingly large questions, Steve. Probably to even ask that question says that a person is really starting to ask the right question. Let's just make sure they go into the right direction and it's always got to be to the Scriptures.

[Steve Myers] And maybe that's a good thing. We got to start.

[Darris McNeely] Yeah.

[Steve Myers] If we're going to please God we've got to start it. And isn't that the beginning of anything? You've got to go. You've got to decide this is what I'm going to do.

[Darris McNeely] And get the right foundation.

[Steve Myers] And have that foundation. So, what would be a good foundation for them to begin with?

[Darris McNeely] You know, an anchoring Scripture for me is Micah 6:8 where it talks about do justly, love mercy, walk humbly before your God. Those three concepts of justice, mercy, and humility to me are a foundational approach that you can spend a whole lifetime mastering, trying to come to. But if you want to find out exactly what God wants us to do, you can't begin in any better spot right there and with those attitudes I think God can begin to work with an individual to bring them to where He wants us.

[Steve Myers] Now, there's nothing we can do to earn, you know, a love of God. We can't do anything to earn salvation, but there is a powerful passage in 1 John 5:3 that says, "This is the love of God that we keep His commandments." So when we add to justice and mercy and faith, we have to add obedience to that if we're going to please God. And so that's a monster commitment. It's one that God wants you to make. It's one that God wants to support you in. And so love Him, honor Him, obey Him and that's framework to guide your life, one that will certainly help you to be a lifetime that's dedicated to following God.

[Darris McNeely] Keep asking the right questions and you will be led to the right answers. We appreciate all the questions that come in on BT Daily and Beyond Today, those that seem to reach a larger audience are ones that we will always take a moment to answer to help people to come to some really good solutions in their life.

[Steve Myers] So today's the day to begin. Start out today. Make it a day that you will be pleasing to God.

[Darris McNeely] That's BT Daily. Join us next time.