What is Your Worldview?

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What is Your Worldview?

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What is Your Worldview?

MP3 Audio (1.46 MB)

How we view our world, the size of the window looking out, matters a great deal in understanding our world.



[Darris McNeely] What is your view of the world? How is it shaped? How big might it be? We have a big set of windows here in our offices. And you pull the curtains back you can see that you can have quite a large view of the outside, the trees, the grass, the sky. It's always good to look outside of big windows, big doors, live in a high ceiling room, and have a big view of the world to get a proper perspective of life. And how we arrive at that is probably one of those critical aspects of our own life because we have our world view shaped by religion or by politics, by race, by gender. So many different factors enter into how we view people, events, and the entire world as a whole. Getting the right view is what is really the most critical.

[Steve Myers] When you talk about a world view, you're talking about the big picture. How do you judge things - your reality? What is it that causes you to make the decisions that you make in your life? And looking out that window into the world from your perspective impacts what you do, so it is so important as we think about what impacts our life and the decisions we make. And our world view affects all of those things.

[Darris McNeely] Having a view from the Bible that, where God is the center puts us into an area of absolutes, that there are laws, that there are absolute principles and laws that govern not only the physical world, but the spiritual life of all of us within this world as well as to what produces good results, happiness, success, peace, and prosperity. Those are based on absolutes. And those absolutes - defining those from the Bible, from the word of God, is probably the most important perspective that we need to have.

[Steve Myers] It is. And when you think about that world view, where did we come from, you know, what's wrong with this world, how are we going to fix it? Those are the basic guidelines of what a world view is. And when you look at it from a biblical perspective then you've got to see what God has in mind and how that affects what we do. A Christian biblical world view means I base my perspective on the word of God. And that's got to be first and foremost or we're going to be skewed from the plan of God.

[Darris McNeely] I think what Jesus Christ said about that probably is the anchor verse and one of the anchor thoughts about that.

[Steve Myers] Yeah it is. He didn't use the example of the window like we pointed out today, but when you look at John chapter 14 He said, "I am the door" (John 14:6 & John 10:9). And in a way I guess that's showing the world...

[Darris McNeely] We could go to a door, but we have a window in front of us.

[Steve Myers]Yeah you open the door and you look out and we've got to look out with the perspective of God on the world and make decisions in our daily life that show we have the big picture of God's point of view. That's so important.

[Darris McNeely] So whatever our world view might be always check, always putting it against God's view of the world from a biblical perspective is probably a lifetime endeavor for any of us who are really serious about it. But we encourage you to begin that process and to analyze what you believe, how you approach this world, and ask yourself, "Does it measure up to what God reveals in His Word?"

[Steve Myers] That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.