A Biblical Worldview: Would You Vote for Jesus?

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A Biblical Worldview

Would You Vote for Jesus?

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A Biblical Worldview: Would You Vote for Jesus?

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Would you vote for Jesus Christ if He ran for President? In this Biblical Worldview episode, United Church of God president, Rick Shabi, contrasts Jesus's character with current U.S. presidential candidates, highlighting their moral failings and scandals. Both are criticized for lacking integrity, a crucial trait for leadership. In contrast, Jesus is depicted as embodying perfect integrity, love, and truth, unlike the divisive and immoral actions of today's politicians.

Rick Shabi makes a "presidential campaign" case, showing that Jesus, though likely rejected by a morally declining society, represents the ideal leader who offers hope and true guidance. Jesus might not be elected as President today, and that says a lot about the state of our society. Jesus is our only Savior and wiill be King over all the earth one day, and His Kingdom will be a time of peace and harmony around the world. It is time to read the Bible for the source for true leadership and salvation, and to make Jesus your King today, living the way of life He prescribes--the only one that will lead to happiness, joy, hope, and purpose.


[Rick Shabi] Would you vote for Jesus Christ if He were running for president? Do you think if Jesus was running He could win an election for president? No doubt campaign rhetoric has really heated up over the last few weeks with one of the candidates going to trial, charged with falsifying business records to allegedly hide hush money paid to conceal an extramarital affair. His supporters say those are minor infractions if indeed they are crimes. He's been convicted, and now the groundswell for him is greater than it was before, and he is winning tremendous amounts of campaign donations. The other candidate is also followed by talks of corruption, influence peddling, and using his office for personal gain. His son is going on trial this week for charges unrelated to his father's political office but because of moral inadequacies in many areas of his life that allegedly led to breaking gun laws. Both candidates have had charges levied against them of sexual immorality, one with multiple affairs, the other with alleged questionable sexual advances and a diary of his daughter that speaks of showering with her father in her younger days. So neither candidate would win in a comparison of being a man of integrity as continuing talk and examples of moral weakness and inadequacy follows them.

Is that what America looks for in a leader? Should someone like this be the one who represents the nation and its principles? According to the website ushistory.org, one of the principal traits of a successful president is to possess character and integrity. At least it used to be this way. Let's define character. Character is the inner strength and commitment to do the right thing according to the law and having strong moral principles. Would either of the candidates score higher in this area? I think not. Neither are examples in their personal lives and backgrounds of someone that you would choose to trust your future to. Let's define integrity. Integrity is defined as the state of being honest and having strong moral principles. Again, when you think of past successful presidents such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, you think of men of character and integrity. Lincoln is affectionately remembered as Honest Abe. And it's said that George Washington couldn't lie when asked if he cut down the cherry tree. That may or may not be a true story, but it speaks to the character that he had that the people saw and respected. Well, that's what presidents used to be. But are the two candidates today anywhere near that caliber?

Let me give you a campaign talk for Jesus in comparison to the two in America who are vying for what is typically called the most powerful position in the world. Was Jesus a man of character? Absolutely. He had a plan when He came to earth, and He stuck to it despite the pain and personal cost to Him. When He was put up for trial with Pontius Pilate, there were plenty of accusations, but Pilate could find no fault in Him. And He perfectly kept the law of the land and the law of His Father, God Almighty. In 2 Corinthians 5:21, it says, "For God the Father made Christ, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." Also in God's Word in Hebrews 4:15, it says, "We have a High Priest who is tempted in every point like we are, yet without sin." And Peter said in 1 Peter 2:21, "Christ left you an example that you should follow in His steps."

Who would you want your son or daughter to grow up to be like? One of the two candidates currently running for president? Or would it be Jesus Christ who was full of integrity, love, honesty, and who set the perfect example for us? He is the way to a happy, fulfilled life. That's not just a campaign promise. The fact is He did say and His life shows He knows the way and He lived the way. Let's look further into His character. Christ said He is the way, the truth, and the life. Let's talk about truth for a moment. Which of these current candidates is dedicated to the truth? Have you heard either of them lie about something? Have you known they are lying, and even when they're caught, do they ever admit they're wrong? If you think one of these candidates is dedicated to the truth, then you aren't paying attention. They display a malady and a serious fault and sin in our nation like the immorality they display in their personal lives.

Today, we live in a world of my truth, which may contradict with your truth. How can people live in a world where there are no standards and everyone just does what is right in his own eyes? In the Word of God, the issues we face in this nation now are well described. In Isaiah 59:15, it says this, "Truth, truth is fallen in the street, and integrity cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey." Today, that's true of Americans. They are following leaders into becoming a people who can no longer discern the truth or who even want the truth. A nation based on lies is a nation that will be divided, just as we see the nation today, which is divided in their support for these men. We are a nation that is hopelessly divided, defined by a growing hatred and not of love. How can a nation stand with that being displayed and promulgated from its leaders? In God's words, in Christ's words, listen to what He says, "Oh, my people, those who lead you cause you to err, and they destroy the way of your paths.

Jesus Christ never lied. He was dedicated to the truth. In fact, He brought truth and grace to the world, it says in John 1. The other candidates bring lies to the world. Which do you choose? Our current leaders are not moral. They are not upright. They are not great examples in their personal lives. They lead us to err as a nation, and they are bringing the nation to destruction. Lies lead to hate, division, violence, and murder. Christ said so about the father of lies, who is Satan. That's the spirit we see in our nation. That spirit here and in the world will lead to a time of unbelievable sorrow and agony for all of mankind. Christ said so, and He speaks only the truth. He is full of integrity, character, love, truth, and He knows the way to peace. I could go on and on in comparisons between Jesus Christ and the men running for president today. We could speak of love. We could speak of justice, righteous, impartial justice. We could speak of the importance of family and knowing God. And we could speak of Christ as dying for all humanity. He is the Savior of the world. And He would be the Savior of this nation and the world today if He were running for president.

But let's come back to that question. Would you vote for Him if He were running for president? Could Jesus Christ win the election for president if He were running? Probably not. Because the people of our nation are just too sick and too far gone. The sin has become too deep, too entrenched. America today would reject Jesus Christ just like the people of His time rejected Him. They didn't want the truth, and they put Him to death. Will we make the same critical mistake and choose sin and weakness over character, integrity, and good? We as a people need to turn from the ways of the political parties of this nation and turn to the Word of God. We need to understand and come to the realization that there is no solution in man, in its governments, or either political party in America to solve the ills of this world. Men who lack character and integrity and who preach hate and division cannot lead a people to anything good.

There is only one Savior, and if you want a happy, purposeful, meaningful, successful life, there's only one choice. It's not one of the current presidential candidates. It is Jesus Christ. Turn from your way, from the ways and morals of this nation and the sickness and sin that define and market and turn to God. He is your hope, and one day you won't vote for Christ, but He will return to earth to save mankind from itself and the travesties and tragedies it will bring upon all of us. Christ will not be president, but He will be king over all the earth, king of kings and lord of lords. His kingdom on earth will last forever and ever. The Bible says so, and that kingdom will be a glorious kingdom and government filled with goodness, purpose, peace, love, and well-being for everyone all over the world. You can make Him king in your life now and enjoy peace of mind, hope for the future, all His benefits, and enjoy in a way that you never knew before. Learn more at ucg.org.