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The Truth about Valentine's Day

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The Truth about Valentine's Day

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The Truth about Valentine's Day

MP4 Video - 1080p (119.52 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (72.08 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.55 MB)

Should Christians keep Valentine's Day?


[Steve Myers] Valentine's Day is sometimes known as a Hallmark holiday. You heard of that term? I think it has to do with originally cards that are sold during these kind of holidays. But, it points out the fact that it's a holiday that's based more on commercialism and that aspect rather than the holiday itself. And hasn't that really happened with Valentine's Day? You'd be amazed at what they say shoppers will spend this year on Valentine's Day. You know how much they say? Over $27 billion just in the United States. Think it's commercialized? I mean, no doubt about it. And where did it come from anyway? If you look into Valentine's Day, it's not something that we as Christians should be observing. Oh, it's nice. Isn't love good and shouldn't we celebrate love and we consider all that aspect of it. But, where did it come from? It came from Lupercalia which is a pagan holiday. It wasn't to honor the true God, but it honored other pagan gods, Lubricus, which is the god of fertility. So that was one of the main gods they honored way back in the day. There was also Juno that was honored. That's the god of marriage and women. And then throw a little Pan in there. That's another pagan god. And mix it all together and you end up with celebrating Valentine's Day.

Okay, should we do that? I mean, do you really need a day to show your love to your mate or your dear one in that regard? I mean, shouldn't that be something that we should be doing all throughout the year? That we should be honoring the ones we love on a continual basis. I mean, do I need some incentive from some smart marketer that commercializes the whole thing of love in order to honor my mate? I shouldn't need that. Why would that be something that would be important?

And, in fact, is romantic love the only love that's important? I think that's a critical factor when you really get down to it. I should love my mate throughout the whole year. I should help and honor and love my family through the whole year. But, I can't leave God out of the picture if I really claim to be a Christian.

And we're told a little bit about another important love. 1 John 5:3. It says this. "This is the love of God." I mean as Christians, that's got to come first doesn't it? And, it says, "We keep his commandments. His commandments are not burdensome."

So, don't leave God out of the picture. But we hear all the hoopla about Valentine's Day every February 14th. Remember where it came from. Remember how much I need to love my mate and show that love throughout the entire year. And, direct to another vastly important aspect of love and that's loving God and demonstrate that throughout the year.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.