Beyond Today Magazine: May–June 2024

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In This Issue

  • by Becky Sweat
Coping with loneliness is an age-old struggle. Now, despite numerous means of instant electronic communications, the problem is growing, with people seeming even more cut off from each other. For those who feel alone, here are steps that will help.
  • by John LaBissoniere
Many Christians believe that the laws God gave ancient Israel under the Old Covenant are obsolete and therefore do not need to be obeyed. However, shouldn’t they rather follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ, who said, “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love”?
  • by Peter Eddington
A true Christian is a person in whom dwells the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of God and of Christ. What is this Spirit? What does it do in your life? And how can you know whether you’ve received it?
  • by Darris McNeely
Can a Christian believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but not the Trinity? The Bible reveals that we must so believe—that it’s vital we come to know the true God.
  • by John LaBissoniere
Illegal immigration has reached crisis levels in many nations, threatening the rule of law and national security. It’s hitting the United States on a scale never before seen. Why is this happening, and what is the ultimate solution to this disturbing global issue?
  • by Darris McNeely
The big problems of today’s world provoke fear for the future. Can you really do anything about these looming issues? Here are practical steps you can take to change your world—and prepare to change tomorrow’s world.
  • by Rick Shabi
While you can’t change the world at large, you can change your world. If your life is empty, frustrating, and lacks the happiness, sense of purpose and hope for the future, you can do something about it! While the world around you won’t turn to God, you can!
  • by Beyond Today Editor
Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the May-June 2024 issue.
  • by Robin Webber
We have a limited perspective when it comes to setting our own course in life. We must learn to expect the unexpected from a God who presents us with hard challenges—and the direction and means to meet them and press on.
  • by Don Hooser, Tom Robinson
Are human beings inherently good? If so, why is there so much evil in the world? Did God make people the way they are? Or has something gone wrong? And what fundamentally needs to change?