Letters From Our Readers: November/December 2018

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Letters From Our Readers

November/December 2018

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Letters From Our Readers: November/December 2018

MP3 Audio (4.32 MB)

“What’s Behind the War on God?”

You could not have put it better. I pray God give you strength and inspiration in sending the message to us and the world.

From the Internet


“Honeybees: Tiny Testimony to a Great God”

It’s amazing to learn about the works of God. It will take more than a physical lifetime to learn. I can hardly wait until the Kingdom of God is here.

From the Internet


“The Race for Immortality”

It is very foolish for individuals to think that they can have immortality without God being involved. This is a very good article that gives us much food for thought.

From the Internet


Grateful for Beyond Today

I don’t remember the last time I said this, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for sending me Beyond Today. Every issue gives me more to learn and grow from. Please continue sending me copies of the magazine. I pray that God will continue to bless your church and the good work that you are doing.

Subscriber in the Philippines

Thanks for all the free information you provide to readers around the world. I must admit that you are elevating my understanding of God’s plan for mankind, and the current and future events leading to Christ’s second coming. Please keep up the good work for the gospel to reach the ends of the world. Thank you, and may God bless you.

Reader in Papua New Guinea

My spouse and I enjoy your TV programs each week, as well as your very informative magazines and the Bible Study Course lessons that you send us. Thank you.

Reader in Canada

This is just a short note of thanks for all of the written material that I have received over the years! I do enjoy Beyond Today magazine. God bless all of your good works.

Reader in Canada


How do I observe God’s Sabbath?

How do I keep the Sabbath day holy? What do I do all day, and what about my kids? I have three children ages 3 and under. How do I care for them and still rest? I’m so confused about this, but God has put it on my heart, so I want to do it. Please help me if you can. Thanks.

From the Internet

The command to keep the Sabbath holy may sound a little vague. The Sabbath is a day where we forget about our own wants and desires and we make extra time to study God’s Word. We can also take extra time to pray to God and to meditate on His words. It is a day on which God commands us to rest from our usual work. It is a day God has set apart—made holy—and given us to mentally and physically take a break from the world.

When it comes to family and resting on the Sabbath, sometimes it can be challenging. Mothers still have to make sure that their children’s needs are met even on the Sabbath. But the Sabbath can still be special for all family members.

Some parents make the Sabbath special for their children by such things as preparing special meals, singing songs together and doing Bible studies together. With younger children it would probably be easier to start out with something simple. You can talk about the Sabbath and about God with your children. As they grow up you can involve them in preparing for the Sabbath. Keeping the Sabbath doesn’t mean that children can’t have fun, but for some it does take some getting used to. You can find many family Bible studies at ucg.org/members/family-study-guides.

You can also find a helpful article on our website written by a young mother with young children. She writes about preparing for the Sabbath, and expresses her challenges, especially when she first became a mother. She learned to use the other six days of the week to start preparing for the Sabbath. It’s called “Sabbath Rest for a Mom—Using the Preparation Day Wisely.”


Hoping to help

I am sending you a donation to help the wonderful work you are doing. Could you also please send your Beyond Today magazine? It helps me to understand what is going on in the world.

Reader in Australia

I support your work and would like to give a donation by mail. Please provide a mailing address.

Reader in Ohio

Many thanks for all the kind donations to our work. You can donate online at ucg.org/donate, or by mail—just look up the address of the office for your country listed on the UCG.org website.

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