Is There Really a Devil?

Is There Really a Devil?

Is Satan the devil really behind so many of the world's problems?

None of us has experienced a truly peaceful world—why?

During the last few decades humanity has developed the horrifying ability to exterminate all human life.

Confusion abounds in the religious world. Even many pre-Christian religions with their pagan rites, practices and superstitions are making a comeback as people search for the meaning they no longer find in conventional rituals and beliefs.

Why are we plagued with these problems? Why such chaos and confusion? Is the anguish of the human race simply the result of uncontrollable circumstances—time and chance? Is our collective suffering simply the way things always have been and the way they always will be?

You can find a cause for every evil we see in the world. Crime, war, religious confusion, famine, starvation, disease and premature death in their many tragic forms all exist for a reason. Broken marriages, broken families, broken relationships and broken societies do not just happen.

You can know the cause for this world's problems, the underlying reason for so many of the difficulties you face in your own life. This Bible Study aid, Is There Really a Devil?, will help you understand that cause and—more important—what you can do about it.

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Where can we find reliable, accurate information on the spirit world? Only one source can give us the answers, revealing to us information we could find nowhere else. That single dependable source is the Bible (p. 4).

The very name Satan, the designation the Bible uses most for this evil being, helps reveal his malicious intent. God calls things what they are. Satan is a Hebrew noun meaning "adversary"—the enemy, opponent, antagonist, foe (p. 8).

When we search for the main reason people suffer, we can learn a great deal by tracing the circumstances back to their cause. Most often we will find that sin is the underlying cause—whether one's own sin or that of others—and suffering and misery are the sad consequences (p. 11).

Satan's sin of pride and vanity ultimately led to outright and open rebellion against God (p. 18).

Satan uses some people to deceive other people. This is especially true when they are motivated by personal ambition to be teachers of spiritual matters but lack a proper understanding of the Scriptures (p. 23).

Although God is always in ultimate control, the Scriptures make it clear that He is not the reason for the world's many chronic problems (p. 33).

At Jesus' return those who have been God's faithful followers over the centuries—who have successfully resisted Satan's deceit and rebellion—will be resurrected to immortality (p. 42).