Blessings from a Pain in the Neck

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Blessings from a Pain in the Neck

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Have you ever been told that you seem to have a lot of “bad luck”, or “you just have a lot of bad things happen to you”? Moreover, that it appears from those who don’t follow God’s way of life, which is the reason that you are a mess, because something unfortunate is always happening to you?  Yes, from their perspective maybe you do. I have been in many car accidents, one of which resulted in having my neck fused together twice, which took almost three years to recover from.

I have had lots of negative events happen that just occurred one after another, which deeply tested my resolve and endurance.  I have not always weathered the storms very joyfully as God instructs us to do (James 1:2-3). I have kicked, screamed, wailed and crumbled miserably and have continually asked God why I am going through these things.  It was not until after this last, most difficult trial that I began to see a different side to weathering the storms that engulf my journey through life.

Lessons in the middle of the storm

I sat back and marveled at how God took care of me. I remember one terrifying night begging God to give me a sign that the risky surgery to fix my neck would result in me coming out on the other side able to breathe on my own, or that I would wake to see my husband’s face again.  No sign came.  I did awaken to have full function of all my faculties, but what came later was the most merciful blessing.  At the time I had no idea how it would all turn out, but God made it all work for the best. 

How many times have we stood at the threshold of an almost unbelievable trial wondering how it would work out?  I learned that trials are not only a way to improve ourselves to be better members of God’s family, but they are also magnificent evidence of God’s love for us.  Trials never really work out the way we think or hope they will, nor in the timeframe that we plan.  God shows us His love in the way He protects, teaches, and blesses us through difficult times.

I unknowingly had a birth defect in my spine that lay unnoticed until this car accident.  God allowed for the impact to be not too forceful as to kill me and not too ineffective as to weaken the exact location on my back even more. It was just perfect so that a potentially deadly defect was surgically fixed.  Yes, it was an unbelievable hard three years of surgeries, physical therapy, many doctors and now a legal battle, but I have a repaired neck and know I will see my children grow and enjoy a full life with my husband.  God, in His infinite knowledge and wisdom, took care of me and made sure I was protected from unforeseen problems.

God knows best

Trials, if we can see them from this perspective, are a gift from God, not only in building our wisdom and relationship with Him, but seeing a miracle in our lives. The next time one comes your way, don’t panic, don’t think the worst, but wait to see how God will fix it and how He can bless you. No matter how much we worry and stress about the situations that we are in, we can do nothing to change what God has planned. He tells in Matthew 6:25-34 that He has everything under control, and no matter how much we stress about life, we cannot change what is outside our control. One of the most humbling feelings we have as humans, is the knowledge that we are completely incapable of controlling much of what is going on in our lives. Many times all we can do is sit back and watch how God will handle each situation.

He will lead us down paths we could never dream of, which lead to untold blessings that would not have crossed our minds. As hard as it can be for us humans to let God take the controls when a trial comes our way, it can also give us significant relief to know the Creator of the known universe has our backs in every possible way.

To learn more about how to trust the God who only wants the best for you, request our free study aid, Why Does God Allow Suffering?

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  • sandrad
    pray much for me and that God will save my husband and send him back home for we can be one body in Christ.
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