5 Reasons to Believe in Christ' Resurrection

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5 Reasons to Believe in Christ' Resurrection

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This weekend is Easter Sunday, for millions it is the occasion that marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the Gospels. The origin and dating of the Easter celebration is a story for another time. But this year Easter happens to coincide with the Biblical chronology of the death and resurrection of Christ.

As usual during this holy season there are a number of articles discussing the truth of the resurrection and how and why the faithful believe. The Wall Street Journal carries this article today about the Shroud of Turin. I also like this article.

Journalist Lee Strobel has written a number of apologetics regarding the life of Christ and the veracity of the Bible. In The Case for the Real Jesus he recounts a conversation with New Testament historian Michael Licona about the resurrection. Licona has 5 minimal proofs for Christ’s Resurrection from the dead.

1. Jesus was killed by crucifixion.

All four gospel accounts say he was dead. This means of death, crucifixion, left no doubt that a victim was dead.

2. Jesus’ disciples believed that he rose and appeared to them.

Paul’s testimony, oral tradition in the early church and the written works of the early church attest to this belief.

3. The conversion of the church persecutor Paul.

The chief foe of the early church admits to an encounter with the resurrected Christ. Very significant.

4. The conversion of the skeptic James, Jesus’ half-brother

James was not a follower of Christ during his life. He would not invent a story that was humiliating to he and his family. That James became a late follower of Christ is very compelling.

5. Jesus’ tomb was empty.

This could easily have been proven to be false had the authorities been able to produce a tomb and a corpse. Secondly, the gospels tell us that women were first to discover this central fact. In first century Judaism it would have been unthinkable that women would be the first witness and teacher of religious truth. Were Peter and John wanting to follow society they would have claimed to be the first ones to see the empty tomb. They didn’t.

Here is an excerpt from our booklet Jesus Christ: The Real Story that goes into more detail from scripture.

This truth about Christ’s resurrection is the key to understanding the purpose God has for your life. Get this point and you can do anything in life. Believe the reality that Christ can today live in you through the Holy Spirit and it changes everything. How few believers really understand this.

But you can. Starting today.

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