A Modest Man

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A Modest Man

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What do you think of when you hear the word “modesty”?

Interestingly, the typical pattern of usage for this word has evolved to include only a portion of its broader meaning. It’s most frequent use relates to conservative clothing and bodily appearance, especially for women – but does that truly represent its full importance?

Not even close!

While skirt lengths and midriff fashions should be properly addressed, an approach to life that has far greater significance lies just beneath the surface of this important topic. You may not have realized it, but there is much for young men to consider with respect to modesty too.

Getting to the heart

The truth is that manly modesty is a matter of heart. Interestingly, the first definition of “modesty” on Merriam-Webster.com is “freedom from conceit or vanity.” Just as that implies, real modesty encompasses an absence of conceit and vanity not only in dress, but also in speech and conduct. A modest man is one who:

- Lives with an outward focus on others rather than an inward focus on self

- Shows respect to others with his words, actions and appearance

- Places the best interests of others above his own desires and preferences

- Does all of these things genuinely and with humility

Paul was a man who powerfully argued for both the necessity and benefits of Christian values and conduct in the decades just after Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry concluded. Having been appointed to teach primarily those whom God was calling from societies where there had been little exposure to God’s way of life, Paul witnessed and addressed immodesty in every form.

Through wisdom given by God’s Holy Spirit, Paul predicted that societal problems with modesty would grow far worse than they were in his day (which was saying quite a lot). In a letter to the younger pastor Timothy, he cited the root cause of all problems with modesty when he said, “…in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves…” (2 Timothy 3:1-2, emphasis added)

The outcome

Sadly, God’s inspired word to Paul has proven true. Virtues such as humility and self-control that typify a man of modest character receive little focus in modern mainstream culture. Instead, arrogance and self-indulgence are promoted as strengths, rather than being exposed as spiritual weaknesses. These character flaws undermine all aspects of Godly modesty.

However, with God’s help, we can and should choose to live differently. While the truly modest approach to life requires that a man be meek and humble, it should not be confused with being timid or weak.

In fact, the Bible is filled with the encouraging stories of many modest men like Moses and David who lived bold and courageous lives in service to God and His people. True modesty complements and enriches strength and valor; it does not replace them.

You have everything to gain as a young man learning about God’s way of life! Ask God today for the help that you need to live a life of manly modesty.

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  • Skip Miller
    Hello PaulainVA, I appreciate your question (& I think that Janet's reply answers quite a bit.) Because I am a man (& a father & grandfather) I would like to add my perspective. You mention many examples of bad behavior. I would have to agree. When we had our first child I wondered what to do. My wife had some pretty firm ideas & by working together things worked out --- at least pretty good. But what I really wanted to say to you is that we had several friends with similar values. That really helped! Unless you can be in two or three places at once you really need to have a like-minded support group.
  • KARS
    Hi PaulainVA, Here is one about women. http://www.ucg.org/christian-living/what-your-clothes-say-about-you/
  • Janet Treadway
    Pauline; "How should parents of young families work to instill humility in their children? I see too many examples of behavior doing just the opposite. It should be no surprise that young men and women have no concept of ethics or fairness when they start out in business," Start with teaching your children to be grateful and not expect things. To learn humility take them to a homeless shelter where families reside, where children has no home. Teaching them about honesty, giving and thinking of others more than themselves.
  • Sabrina Peabody
    Hi PaulainVA, I don't think this blog was written on purpose to exclude women and it does give some quality advice that we all can put into practice. I think it is important that men and women shouldn't be lovers of themselves and have that outward focus. I also find that in society, "arrogance and self-indulgence are promoted as strengths" for males. With that comes a lot of heartache for women and for families. If you are looking for more resources pertaining to women and families, use the search on the UCG website and enter the key word "humility" or "parenting." I think you will find some helpful articles and blogs.
  • PaulainVA
    By the way, it really bothers me when blog posts and/or other spiritual messages only address male viewpoints and behaviors. Women are equally affected and influenced by negative factors in the modern world. We are heading up families and business too; and, we also need positive models and guidance.
  • PaulainVA
    How should parents of young families work to instill humility in their children? I see too many examples of behavior doing just the opposite. It should be no surprise that young men and women have no concept of ethics or fairness when they start out in business, let alone forming relationships and families, when there have been no family conversations on this topic. These are not old-fashioned ideals, but the foundation for an orderly and well constructed society.
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