Amend the Bible

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Amend the Bible

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On a recent edition of CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight" the host engaged Saddleback Church's Rick Warren in a debate about same sex marriage and gay rights. Morgan suggested the Bible needed to be "amended" to accommodate modern social mores. Warren's reply was, "not a chance." Warren is right, it is not going to happen.

Amending the Bible is a bold call—not that others have not tried to amend its text down through the centuries. But textual criticism can usually determine where that has been done. But we don't need to go there today.

My thought after listening to the exchange was that people have already amended the Bible by ignoring its plain teaching on just about any major matter of substance in the book. The law? It's been changed, don't need to keep it. The Sabbath and holy days? Changed to Sunday and pagan festivals substituted. Adultery and marital fidelity? Let's do what feels right in our own eyes.

For many modern minds today there is no need to "amend" holy scripture—their lifestyle denies its authority and in effect says to God "We don't want you telling us what to do. You are not admitted into our conscience" (Romans 1:28).

How about you? Do your actions say that you have amended God's plain teaching to suit what you want to do with your life? Revelation 22:19 says not to "take away from the words of the book of this prophecy." Doing so causes God to remove our names from the Book of Life.

Far better to "amend" our life to conform with the Bible. It's safer that way.

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  • Norbert Z
    londonbrandon, How sure are you the law has been amended? Even with De 21:18-21. Or as you wrote, "No child is ever stoned to death now. Why?" What should law abiding parents living in the state of Texas do nowadays, were their child to join the Hell's Angels motorcycle club. Then they find out he rebels against the laws of that nation. To the point being involved with organized crime, promoting substance abuse, thievery and premeditated murders? Now what would happen to him being found guilty in a court of law nowadays of all the above. The possiblity of capital punishment. Are you sure the law has been amended? Sure, no judge in Texas is going to "literally" have someone's child stoned to death, but as the apostle Paul mentions in Romans 7, the law is spiritual.
  • nathanalbright


    Your questions seem to be begging the question. Our societies do not enforce the laws you claim because they are not godly and do not believe in the importance of God's laws. Therefore they do not enforce the laws you state (and many other ones, like the forgiveness of debt every seven years). This simply speaks as to our own lack of obedience to God's ways on a societal level, rather than any biblical support for this way of thinking.

    Your questions of the rights of women seem to assume that the Bible does not have enlightened views of women in the law. This is a mistaken assumption. The provisions for levirate marriage as well as the treatment of captive wives (or concubines) was designed to protect them in a world that was based around families, by making sure that they would be able to find protection as part of a household. The Bible always (see Deuteronomy 17:14-20) showed hostility to the multiplication of wives by the wealthy and powerful. The New Testament shows that not only families but also congregations have the responsibility to support widows, in light of the fact that believers were no longer living in godly societies as was the case during the time that the Mosaic law was given to ancient Israel.

  • wqmarr

    Why amend the Bible? I have enough work staying focused on being Christ-like and allowing Him to change my character.

    If I wanted to follow the world's ways, in stead of reading a translation of original scripture like the KJV. I would read the substitute for the Bible like the New Age based Message paraphrase of the Bible (now called a bible) or some other resource opposed to Christ's instructions. I would listen to every wind of doctrine rather than study the Bible for myself (2 Tim 2:15). I would base my study on what others said especially those who claim to be profits rather than study the entire Bible line upon line, precept upon precept like the Bereans (Acts 17:11). I would look at the Bible as a bunch of do's and dont's rather that relationships, how the instruction of the Bible illustrates everyday life experiences. I would say I can't understand the language in spite of my learning street slang or new technology terms.

    We don't need to change the Bible and create new translations, we need to read it and not just get an understanding but desire an understanding. If and when we look for God's interpretation then we will find God's interpretation and understanding. When we look for ours, then we will find our. (1 Kings 3:14, 11:38, Psalms 119:5, Isaiah 55:6-9, 58:2, Ezekiel 18:29, Hebrews 3:10)

  • londonbrandon

    But we really have already ammended the law haven't we?

    At even a very young age, I couldn't reconcile this issue. It is only with respect that I ask:

    No child is ever stoned to death now. Why?

    Parameters for appropriate enslavement are now disregarded. Why?

    We would now refuse to cut off a woman's hand for an illegal hold in an altercation. Why?

    The value of a Woman has changed. Why?

    Why is it now a problem to have multiple wives / mistresses?

    Why do we now agree that we should be imprisoned if we sacrifice children on alters?

  • allenda1967

    Well said and so true!

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