American Schools and American Youth Under Assault

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American Schools and American Youth Under Assault

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Asked that question in the aftermath if the October 2nd massacre at an Amish School in Nickel Mines, PA, a FOX NEWS consultant shrugged it off with the comment that "It is just a sign of the times." Is it? Why aren't "the times" the same in other countries in the world - or even in the Western world?

The truth is, there is more violence of this nature in the United States than in any other nation in the world. Not that other nations are totally immune. A gunman attacked Dawson College in Montreal in September, killing one and wounding 19 others. Terrorists attacked School Number One in Beslan, Russia in 2004, killing 333 hostages. In 2002, a former student of Johann Gutenberg Gymnasium in Erfurt, Germany, killed 16 people (mostly teachers).

But the United States has by far and away the worst record for school shootings. It's shocking to see exactly how bad the picture is in graphic form. This Web site has a U.S. map with every school shooting from 1996 through 2005 flagged: There were 56! That's not 56 fatalities, but 56 separate schools in which there were shootings.

This American tragedy is growing, and it reflects gross societal spiritual problems that cannot be ignored! We have addressed the issue head on in several articles in our publications, which you can read online.

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