April 1865

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April 1865

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I finished reading Jay Winik's masterful account of April 1865, a detailed rendering of the events that concluded America's Civil War and proved a pivotal point in our history. Four years of war had left the question of whether the republic would survive. I never realized how many crucial decisions made during this month made all the difference in building the nation I know and love. I recommend the book for any serious student of American history and the Bible.

Few of us realize how the country could have come apart and divided into smaller groupings of "states" that possibly would have never become the United States of America. Bitterness over the issues that led to war and hatred of those who waged all out war against the South could have resulted in a Balkanized continent with little hope of unity. But it did not happen. Mainly because of men like Robert E. Lee, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant, to name a few who acted with large minded grace at the right time. It is all the more amazing considering the carnage of the war.

That the republic held together and did not repeat the terrible examples of France, the United Netherlands or Santo Domingo. To this date we have deified history. The primary reason is that God had a design for this nation unlike any other. God's hand was indeed upon this nation to preserve it for a unique destiny. In this book Winik has brought together the key elements of this chapter of the story and told a great tale.

If you have not read our booklet, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy, then you should. It gives the Biblical background of why these two nations have ascended to greatness. It will help history come alive  to even those who have not appreciated history.

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