Are We Really Supposed to Understand the Bible?

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Are We Really Supposed to Understand the Bible?

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We have just graduated our 15th class of the Ambassador Bible Center (ABC). We are pleased to see more than 40 students take a year out of their lives to intensely study or survey the entire Bible

The Bible is the most amazing piece of literature ever endowed upon the human race. No other writings are as inerrant, authoritative and powerful. Nothing else connects directly to God and answers the big questions like:

- Who is God?
- Who are we?
- What is our relationship with God?
- What is our destiny?
- And much more!

One hundred million copies of the Bible were sold or given away in just the past year! The year before that it was the same. And the same before that. The YouVersion Bible app is now on 100,000,000 phones and tablets. Billions of copies of this very special book have been available to the human race. It's been translated into more than 3,000 languages and dialects. It's been translated into braille and Morse code. Its proliferation is truly supernatural.

This is not the only remarkable fact about the Bible. Its construction and organization is the product of supernatural intelligence and design. The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 authors of diverse occupations. Among them were kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, prophets, shepherds, tax collectors, soldiers, poets, statesmen, scholars and more. No one person could have constructed the thematic story of man's creation and journey towards immortality in such amazing detail and clarity. It starts in Genesis with the creation of man in the Garden of Eden. It then reaches conflict, in the record of man's separation from God. It ends with man's redemption through Jesus Christ and mankind's final placement in the Garden of Eden that reappears in the last chapters in Revelation. It's wonderfully brilliant. The story is one of a relationship—a relationship based on faithfulness, obedience and love. The net result for us is salvation—immortal life in the very family of God.

The Bible is not owned by any one nation, race or collection of people. It's intended for the entire human race. God accepts us all with equal opportunity:

"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: 'In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ—He is Lord of all'" (Acts 10:34-36).

The work of the United Church of God is governed by the Bible. It is our guide, inspiration and instruction book. Our work in preaching the gospel is simply to proclaim what we read in the Bible so that others can share in that understanding.

Bible Study CourseHow to Understand the BibleThe Bible was made to be understood—deeply and truly. If you approach it honestly, taking to heart what it actually says, you can comprehend it. I would like to send you a study aid to help you feel confident in what God wants you to know. Please request or read online How to Understand the Bible. This study aid contains 15 keys to understanding the Bible, along with background about where it came from and who was involved in writing it.

In addition I'd like to invite you to read our Bible Study Course. It will take you through 12 lessons and acquaint you with the most important of topics. All this is free, and I'd like for you experience what you may have been skeptical of in the past. You will find the Bible to be a book that must be read, understood and cherished. After all, how will you know unless you try?

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  • Pamela Joan Bartholomew
    Wow!! Great article Mr. Kubik. I really like where you come from. Keep it up please. The Bible is and has been for 57 years my favorite and most helpful book!! That is an understatement!!! I'm still reading it daily and greatly enjoying it. It is my main source of joy!!! I need more help with prayer, however. I had deficiencies in hormones and brain neurotransmitter chemicals and I have not been able to pray properly, although I do try to follow the Lord's Prayer as a guideline. I am still recovering with the great help of God and my Naturopathic Physician. I had severe depression from the deficiencies and from eating cow food products and yellow #5, aspartame, and high fructose corn syrup. I stopped eating those, but it is a challenge to try to avoid them at church potlucks. Some will bring things without them, many others bring things I can't eat. I got lactose intolerance when I was depressed and it helped me discover the foods that were depressing me. I stopped being depressed when I received hormone therapy, Vitamin D megadoses, and stopped eating what gave me depression the day after I ate them. God helped me discover what depressed me step by step over the span of a year and a half. I was only depressed half a week during that time. It all started when I had a panic attack that lasted a half day. The panic attack came because my husband gave me unusual news about himself. He told me that He no longer was going to go to the Church of God and that he no longer believed that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that we should accept His sacrifice on our behalf. Later He stopped wanting to read the New Testament and had been studying with the Jews before my attack and continued to do that and to accept the main premises of Jews--Orthodox. Our United study paper on "The Nature of God" goes into Jewish beliefs at one point, I think. They do look for the Messiah, but don't believe they need Him to die for them. They don't think Christ is the Messiah. If this blog is too personal, please forward it all to Mr. Kubik. It is okay with me if you print it all and my husband feels perfectly comfortable with his changes. I'm still recovering, however, from the shock. Thank You, Mr. Kubik, for your faith filled words. Your Christian Sister, Pamela B.
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