Are You Still Worth Something, Even if Torn in Half?

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Are You Still Worth Something, Even if Torn in Half?

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Are You Still Worth Something, Even if Torn in Half?

MP3 Audio (2.63 MB)

Recently I sold something on Craigslist. The buyer handed my husband the money folded in half. Sadly, Charles did not open it up to check to see if it was the correct amount. Instead, he took the money and laid it in the ATM to deposit. After waiting a minute the ATM spit out half of a $20 bill. We do not know what happened to the other half, and, sadly, the banks will not take half of the $20 and give us credit. The bill is no longer any good to anyone because it is now worthless! The buyer did not have the other half, so it must have gotten chewed up in the ATM.

This reminded me of a story that I wrote years ago about a $20 bill.

A well-known speaker started his seminar by holding up a $20 bill in a room of 200 people. He asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?” Hands started going up.

The speaker said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you, but first, let me do this,” and he proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, “Who still wants it?” Still the hands went up in the air. “Well,” he replied, “what if I do this?” and he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. “Now, who still wants it?”

Still the hands went into the air. “How come you still want it?” he asked.

“It's still worth $20,” came the answer. “Then, my friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson,” said the speaker. “No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It is still worth $20.”

And, yes, sometimes we can even feel not only crumpled up but also cut completely in half like the $20 bill that we received from the ATM machine. While the banks deem our half of it worthless, we are never worthless to God, no matter how torn up we are. Never!

It is at times like these that we must be reminded how much God values us. Jesus said: “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7, New International Version throughout).

We must be of great value—God gave His Son for us! There is no way He will give up on you. However, when we feel crushed, worthless and torn into at times, what should we do?

Ask God to encourage you. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalms 34:18). Our very loving God can lift up this crumpled, broken in half soul and put us back together. Nothing is impossible with God. His greatest work is healing our broken lives.

So when things start pressing you down and making you feel worthless, remember the $20 bill lesson. Even though we may be crumpled up and ground into the dirt, broken in half, we have not lost our value to God, for He paid a high price for you and me, that of His Son!

The bank may reject my half of the $20 bill, which I understand, but I take courage in knowing God will never reject me! He will take us all and make us whole. He will not give up on His investment—you and me!

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  • Dameon

    Timely reminder

  • Janet Treadway

    Thanks Dameon.

  • J G

    Comment was made saying God will: "..take us all and make us whole. He will not give up on His investment—you and me!.."
    It is wonderful to have such confidence, and there will be no exceptions. Why not? It is God's incredible unconditional love He has for mankind and the fact that He is no respecter of persons.
    God said: "I FORM the light, and CREATE darkness: I MAKE peace, and CREATE EVIL: all these things." Isa 45:7
    For example, He did create the tree of knowledge of good AND EVIL and each of us is learning to hate evil.
    God is accomplishing His perfect Plan of Salvation; sometimes evil is employed:
    "For thus saith the LORD; Like as I have BROUGHT all this GREAT EVIL UPON this people, so will I BRING upon them all the GOOD that I HAVE PROMISED them." Jer 32:42
    How great is God's unconditional love? God gave His Son (John 3:16, 17). His Son gave His life, which makes the following possible:
    "..God was in Christ, RECONCILING THE WORLD unto HIMSELF, NOT IMPUTING their TRESPASSES unto them.." 2 Cor 5:19
    Some of Jesus Christ's words for humanity?
    "...Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom PREPARED for YOU FROM the FOUNDATION OF the WORLD..." Matt 25:34

  • mgmurphy1963

    Thank you for all your articles that inspire, encourage and motivate us to strengthen our relationship with GOD.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thanks Maria for your kind words. In this day and time, with life so difficult we all need to be encouraged and reminded that there is something greater than what we are going through and greater than us and that is our Father in Heaven.

  • KARS

    Thank you for sharing this experience. This brings me back to our Savior's own story about his cruxification. How he was marred (Isa 52:14), bruised and so forth and yet he had no sin and was excepted by our Heavenly Father. As you said, we too will be excepted into God our Father's kingdom when we except Him as God and live his righteous ways. Overcoming each day the lusts of the flesh and replacing them with the fruit of the spirit through the help of God our Father's Holy Spirit.
    Thank you again for sharing.

  • Janet Treadway

    And how awesome our savior is who suffered so much for us and gave His life for us.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thank you Kathy for the reminder of how awesome our Father in Heaven is.

  • cathy 7

    thank you very informative thank you

  • Janet Treadway

    Thank you Cathy. Hope you have an awesome week.

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