Beyond Today Taping

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Beyond Today Taping

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I was in Cincinnati today for the taping of two programs in our media center. I teamed with fellow Beyond Today host Gary Petty and Dave Myers.

With Dave we taped a program entitled, "The New Family". We focused on the massive challenges to the traditional family structure that has been the foundation or our society. We went back to the Roman Empire to show that there is nothing "new" about the radical changes designed to undermine today's families. Rome underwent massive changes from the time of the republic to the period of the empire. History records the changes to the basic family structure contributed significantly to Rome's decline. The program showed God's basic plan for the family.

Gary and I did a program called "A Passion for Christ". This was an invigorating subject to cover. We tried a different approach in  one segment that went very well.  Our basic point was that you must understand the things that Christ was passionate about before you can have the right passion for Christ. I think you will appreciate the program when it airs.

We have a good crew of people who produce this program. One of them is Clay Thornton, our video editor, shown here getting the set prepared.


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