British Reaction to Bin Laden's Death More Skeptical

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British Reaction to Bin Laden's Death More Skeptical

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While watching the media reaction to Bin Laden’s demise, first on CNN and then on the BBC, one could not help notice subtle differences in tone in the comments about Pakistan. The Atlanta-based news network tended to give the benefit to the doubt while Katty Kay of the BBC reflected the “How Could Our Allies Have Not Known?” approach.

The British newspapers tended toward skepticism about Pakistan’s role, which had long denied any knowledge about the whereabouts of Bin Laden. Also one feels a bit overwhelmed by the incredible amount of newspaper space devoted to the story. The Daily Telegraph splurged with 16 full pages of coverage in the May 3rd edition. The Internet reaction quickly became massive including a quick start for the inevitable conspiracy theories. This morning one educated, intelligent acquaintance expressed doubt that the “kill” had even happened.

Part of our overall problem today is the fact that the media is drowning us in information—far too much for our limited human minds to successfully grasp. The prophet Daniel tells us that knowledge would be increased at the time of the end. Yet paradoxically Hosea warned that  “lack of knowledge” would gradually destroy God’s people (Hosea 4:6).  The key is the kind of knowledge. More and more we have become biblical dunces as the knowledge of God disappears from the mental outlook of our English-speaking peoples (Hosea 4:2).

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  • Robert A. Mason Jr

    It is time to put the fear of terror to rest; death and destruction has been happening for century's, time to concentrate on changing our attitude towards how we look at serving our Lord,obeying his laws. Getting on the same page with the people of this country , our God serving him;fear him we need to get back to our Apostolic Christian way of thinking and living ..........

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