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Yesterday while doing a Beyond Today program entitled, Revelation,The Great False Hope, I was asked by the host, Gary Petty what people could do to avoid the religious deception described in chapter thirteen of the book.

I said that one should take a fresh look at Revelation as a continuation of Christ's teaching from the gospels. Revelation is from Jesus (1:1) and it describes the things of the last days. But instead of focusing  so much on the symbols and numbers, just look at the teaching contained in every chapter. Look at the blessings pronounced on those who take the book seriously and understand the teaching about living as a Christian in a hostile world.

Revelation is a book of light and hope. It is the capstone of God's word to mankind. Read it for the courage gained in knowing God is in control of a chaotic hostile world ruled over by the arch deceiver, Satan the devil.  Each generation of Christians has to traverse the rocky shoals of life in this story and Christ is there, beside us, and in the church till the culminating events of the age. Christ is in the midst of His church guarding, watching, and admonishing it through the ages.

Treat Revelation as a serious book of instruction and you will have the true guide to pass through the troubles of the end time. 

Evolution-Yes or No?

In last week's Republican presidential debate a "gotcha" question on evolution was thrown to the candidates. It produced interesting responses but no real answers. Nor did it shed light on the real questions about God and science.

Thoughtful serious people will study both sides of the issue to determine the truth. Check the Longitude commentary on the site this week and take a longer look at the Beyond Today program, Death of Darwinism, which is also featured.

Intelligence Failure

Richard Perle has a column in the Washington Post to answer statements made by forer CIA Director George Tenant in his new book. Without getting into all the "I saids-he saids" this one paragraph of the column seems to sum up true faliuse of our intelligence community in the period leading up to 9/11...

But the greatest intelligence failure of the past two decades was the CIA's failure to understand and sound an alarm at the rise of jihadist fundamentalism. It is Wahhabi extremism and the call to holy war against infidels that gave us the perpetrators of Sept. 11 and much of the terrorism that has followed. In his attempts to blame others for CIA shortcomings, Tenet cannot say, "I told the president that our Saudi allies were financing thousands of mosques and schools around the world where a hateful doctrine of holy war and violence was being inculcated in young potential terrorists." Fatefully, the CIA failed to make our leaders aware of the rise of Islamist extremism and the immense danger it posed to the United States.

In the 1970's American intelligence failed to detect the uprising against Iran's Shah. We are still living with the consequences.

Psalm 2 is a good place to begin plotting a sound foreign policy based on accurate "intelligence".

After noting the vain plotting and raging of the nations it concludes:

Now therefore, be wise O kings; Be instructed, O you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. (verses 10-12)

If there is to be hope for America in dealing with the current threats it begins here, with a healthy respect and proper fear of God.

Islam's Third "Push"?

Bernard Lewis the 91 year old dean of Islamic scholars recently gave a speech about the clash of Islam and Christianity. This articles summarizes parts of the speech.

What is interesting are Lewis's comments describing the current movement by migration and demographics of Muslims into Europe. He says, "We are now experiencing a third attempt to bring Islam to Europe".  The other two are the military incursions beginning with the birth of Islam in the sixth century and ending with the demise of the Caliphate in 1924. This is a good article to read on background for the topic.

Daniel 11:40 says, "At the time of the end the King of the South shall attack  him: and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the counutries, overwhelm them, and pass through."

Are we seeing the groundwork laid, through this "third push" for the events of the Daniel's prophecy? Quiet possible. Radical Islam is the fundamental threat of our day. It is not going to go away. In some way, at a future point in time, it will push too far and the West, (read Europe), will react. A match will be struck and  ignite a powder keg.

You need to understand the subject. If you have not read our booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy then do so soon.


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