Crisis in the Netherlands

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Crisis in the Netherlands

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The censure came after Verdonk overruled a motion to allow thousands of illegal immigrants seeking amnesty to remain in the country. Verdonk could be forced to resign, a move that would cause significant political instability. Verdonk's People's Party for Freedom and Democracy has threatened to withdraw from the government if she resigns.

200,000 immigrants, code for mostly Muslim immigrants, face deportation under stricter laws in place since 2001. The Netherlands have been trying to deal more forcefully with their growing Muslim population since the slaying of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh on the streets of Amsterdam two years ago. You won't read the word Muslim in this article about the crisis  on the BBC website.

As  the Muslim population in the Netherlands has swelled in recent years thousands of Dutch had emigrated to other countries. This will be an interesting situation to watch.

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