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Vatican Document Affirms Role of Catholic Church 

A new document from the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will reportedly reaffirm past pronouncements on the supreme and sole role of the RCC as the church founded by Christ. The document is to be released today.

The document reinforces the fundamental message of Dominus Iesus, issued in 2000 by Pope John Paul II,  that the Church founded by Jesus Christ exists fully in the Catholic Church alone.

Regarding Protestant churches the document says they "cannot...be called "Churches" in the proper sense".

You can read a summary of the document here and the entire document here.

Time Running Out For Iran Strike

An Israeli general says that time is running out for an effective military strike against Iran's nuclear projects. As long as Russia stays out of any proposed economic sanctions they will not work. Russia continues to provide arms to Iran. The fear is that Israel and America may not have the will to launch such a strike. Good article and update from the Jerusalem Post.

Grand Strategy for a Divided America

This is one of those long think tank pieces from Foreign Affairs magazine. But it summarizes a history of American foreign policy from the nation's founding. More importantly it shows the critical problem we now have in a "house divided". America is divided politically at a time in world history that may well prove to one of those crucial turning points. Power is shifting and on the world scene. The English speaking peoples are on the decline. If America is unable to summon the strength and will to stand against the gathering totalitarian powers  then its place in the world order will diminish. This will not be a good thing.

This is a long read but recommended.

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