Does Halloween Reveal a Dangerous Pretender?

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Does Halloween Reveal a Dangerous Pretender?

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Today, you can become rich and famous if you write books that glamorize or promote witchcraft and demonism, like the Harry Potter books. They are runaway bestsellers for children that focus their minds on wizardry, magic, witchcraft, demonism and Satanism. Through these books, millions of our youth are taught to entertain the occult world, as if it were simply fun and educational. In Old Testament times, a person would be stoned to death for promoting divination or any other kind of demonism. We live in a day when good is evil and evil is good.

Many parents justify Halloween as harmless fun. They apparently think, "What caring parents would deny their kids to dress in bizarre costumes and receive free candy?" But, does Halloween reveal a dangerous pretender?

Did you know that the ancient professing Christian church allowed non-Christians to keep their heathen festivals in order to fill their pews (The Two Babylons, Hislop, p. 93)? They found it impossible to turn them away from their festivals (ibid). Hence we have Halloween.

Later Druidic superstitions honored the festival of Samhain (i.e., summer's end), which included wandering souls, ugly demons, headless "Jacks" or Jokers (a symbol of Satan), ghouls, ghosts, goblins, witches, mummies and other symbols of death, now naively transferred to the modern observation of Halloween.

The Encyclopedia of Religion links Halloween with the Celtic festival called Samhain. "Other worldly entities, such as souls of the dead, were able to visit earthly inhabitants, and humans could take the opportunity to penetrate the domains of gods and supernatural creatures. Divination activities remained a popular practice. Adults, dressed in fantastic disguises and masks, imitate supernatural beings and visited homes where occupants would offer tributes of food and drink to them" (1987, p. 177).

The ironic thing about Halloween is that it reveals a great pretender—Satan the devil—who promotes his deceptive counterfeits on humankind, incognito and with impunity. Yet God says that his days are numbered; his judgment nears. Could Halloween help symbolize Satan's view of his future judgment, by proxy, perversely applying his fate to us?

What's God's view of Halloween? "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; do not be dismayed [terrified] at the signs of heaven, for the Gentiles are dismayed at them" (Jeremiah 10:2). God opposes Halloween because it blinds humankind from His truth (Matthew 13:15). Why do two billion Christians observe it?

Halloween doesn't even pretend to be Christian; it unapologetically promotes Satan's evil design against humans: He wants us dead. Ironically, Halloween unmasks Satan as a misanthropic liar (John 8:44). Satan tries to appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), another Jesus with another spirit and another gospel (ibid, v. 4). Halloween is Satan's quintessential holiday that openly mocks gullible humanity before God (Revelation 12:10).

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  • SeekingtheTruth

    Halloween has a horrible origin. It's best not to take part in it. This is my opinion and I get it from what I read in the Bible. A lot of people say there's nothing satanic about it and that it's just kids fun. I don't agree. While it may be true that it's "fun". That truth doesn't mean it should be done. Satan has the trick of mixing lies with truth to make a more plausible or believable lie. This is a great danger and many fall for it. Just because you find some truth in something doesn't make it okay to delve whole heartedly into it. It's an awful risk to do that. We need to remember that and apply it to everything including Halloween.

  • KARS

    Hi Mr. Aust,
    I too remember this book:( The Two Babylons , Hislop, p. 93).

    Some awful stuff happened and has left ugly memories in my mind.

    Which makes me want to pray that much harder for God our Father kingdom to come.

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