Driving to the Netherlands and Back

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Driving to the Netherlands and Back

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Today  (Saturday, September 9) we made a Sabbath days journey to Arnheim,  in the Netherlands, to meet with members of UCG. We met in a nice hotel in a pastoral setting of the country. Sheep and cattle were around us and it was a bright and beautiful morning. The Netherlands members are an upbeat positive group with a great deal of energy and zeal for the work of God. They produce a supplement to the English language Good News, have translated 6 UCG booklets into Dutch and have nearly completed a translation of the 12 lesson Bible Study Course. With proper promotion of these products it seems the area can look forward to growth with new members. I found them to be a friendly and supportive group.

Paul Kieffer is my chauffeur and he drove back to Dormagen, Germany for the afternoon service with the group here. He provided a German translation for the group. My sermon today was entitled, "If God be With Us...". I work off the verse in Romans 8:31 says, "If God be with us, who can be against us". I show how Caleb had a different spirit based on his belief in what he saw and heard during the Israelite exodus from Egypt.

After the service and a pitch in meal we sat around and had a question and answer session with about a dozen of the members. They were very interested in prophecy, the Middle East and the future of the European constitution. It is interesting that today Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Germany for a six day trip. There is talk about his desire along with Angela Merkel to see the European Constitution rewritten to include reference to the Christian heritage of Europe; We are likely to hear of more of this in the coming months. The issue of the constitution is not dead and you will see a movement to put the Christian roots of Europe squarely in the focus of the discussion of Europe's future.

The work of United Church of God in this part of Europe is vibrant  and full of promise. I am reminded of God's admonition to not "despise the day of small things". Here people love the truth, love one another and seek to do a work.  May God bless their efforts and bring additional people to the church and the understanding of the true gospel. 

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