Feast Fever, It’s Contagious

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Feast Fever, It’s Contagious

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If you have been keeping the Feast of Tabernacles for any length of time, you know there is a fever that goes around. It usually comes around in the fall, just when the air starts to get cool and crisp. It can last for a month or longer. If you have never kept the Feast of Tabernacles before or are new to keeping God’s Holy Days, don’t worry, it’s not painful. In fact, it’s very delightful! It’s something I hope you catch one day: Feast fever! Feast fever is a term many of us use to name the excitement we have while waiting for the Feast to arrive.

One day, everyone will observe the Feast of Tabernacles. When we stop to think about what the Feast pictures, that should give us such joy we can’t help but to make others excited too! 

What is the Feast of Tabernacles?

The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the coming time when Jesus will return to earth and rule the world. The theme of the Feast of Tabernacles is Jesus' millennial reign. This eight-day festival represents a time of harmony and peace this world is longing for and needs so desperately. It’s no wonder, for those who observe this Feast, we look forward to it all year long. We plan, prepare and anticipate getting together with fellow believers for our weeklong celebration.

Getting the fever

Once you get Feast fever, it’s hard to contain it. Don’t be afraid to share it and spread it around. Those of us affected by the fever may start showing signs months before the Feast is due to arrive. We start planning where we will stay. We get excited about who we will see. To get the kids excited we make countdown charts. Then they know exactly when we will be leaving. We prepare little gifts to give out to others while we are at the Feast. My son loves going around to other kids on the opening night and handing out little goodies. We make cards and try to find out who may be there observing their first Feast and give them a card and welcome them. It’s important to get the children involved in the giving and the serving. This way you are teaching them how to make the Feast special for others and not just for themselves. Making the Feast special for others will make it more special for you. If you have never reached out to someone new at the Feast or gave out Feast gifts or cards, I urge you to try it this year. Also, don’t forget those who observe the Feast, but maybe are not able to attend for some reason. You may want to do something like make them a gift basket or mail them a card. Just something so they don’t feel left out. You never know when you might be the tool God is using to help someone see the love that is in the air during the Feast.

You’ve got a head start, don’t waste it!

One day, everyone will observe the Feast of Tabernacles. God inspired the prophet Zechariah to prophesy that, upon Christ's return: “Everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles” (Zechariah 14:16). To those of us who observe this Feast now, we have been given a head start. Let’s not waste this wonderful opportunity to catch Feast fever and spread it all around. Try not to let the physical preparing for the Feast overshadow the spiritual preparing. When we stop to think about what the Feast pictures, that should give us such joy we can’t help but to make others excited too! When God’s plan of salvation is fulfilled, we get to see our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He will rule and set up His reign over this world. Doesn’t that just give you chills? Could it be a fever? I hope this year you catch Feast fever and spread it to everyone you know! 

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