Getting the Four Horsemen Right

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Getting the Four Horsemen Right

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Last night I was watching The History Channel as it was doing some programs on Bible prophecy, "Countdown to Armageddon". 

It was a a two part program and the second dealt with the four horsemen of Revelation 6. Having written on the subject I was interested in what they would say. While they had good graphics the program seemed to stray a bit and their understanding of the what the four horsemen represent was skewed.

The first horseman of Revelation 6 rides a white horse and is commonly understood to represent false religion. They mentioned the anti-christ and then moved into a discussion about war. That was it. The first horse became war. No discussion about religion. Ok I said, perhaps they did not want to offend anyone.

So, I wondered how they would then identify the second red horse, commonly understood to be war. Here the horseman represented pestilence. Now that was a new twist!  They did have a good overview of disease and it historical impact and present dangers. AIDS and the avian flu were covered.

From there the program got off into environmental disasters and global warming. It seemed to imply that the disasters foretold in Revelation would be more man made than God made.

Between January and July 2003 we wrote a series of articles on the Horsemen of Revelation for WNP and our sister publication the Good News. You can access the first one here and see a more accurate explanation of this important part of Bible prophecy.

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