God's Wonderful Advance News

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God's Wonderful Advance News

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Millions of people today are affected by war, crime, terrorism, natural disasters, job loss, financial failure, disease and failing health. What will it take to change this condition and bring real, lasting hope, security and comfort to all nations and all people? The reality is that humankind has always proved itself incapable of carrying out this task. From century to century, from one generation to the next, human beings have failed miserably to bring true peace, prosperity and safety to their communities and nations.

Is the world therefore doomed to continue traveling down its rutted old road of misery, sorrow frustration? What is the answer? Amazingly, the solution is found in what may seem like an improbable source—the pages of the Holy Bible. The inspired Scriptures have not only prophesied today's agitated world conditions and trends, but they have also given great advance news of a coming wonderful 1,000 year age of universal tranquility and prosperity (Revelation 20:6).

Coming: the greatest time of peace and abundance ever

The interesting reality is that this impending new era won't depend on human beings or anything they might try to do to bring it about. No, God Himself is going to establish it. Jesus Christ will return to earth to rescue men from their own recklessness and folly and literally save them from total self-destruction (Zechariah 14:3-4), Matthew 24:22). Afterwards, He will inaugurate the greatest time of goodwill, happiness and abundance the world has ever seen (Isaiah 54:13).

At Christ's return, He will resurrect His saints, and along with them, the Messiah will install His perfect global government on the earth. In doing so, He will eradicate spiritual blindness and begin instructing all people in His giving, serving way of life. As King of Kings, Jesus Christ will bring overwhelming comfort and joy to every family, race and nation (Revelation 17:14).

This is God's vital message to you and me and to all people in our world today. It is the awesome good news of the coming, world-ruling Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). The United Church of God is announcing this very message on the UCG.org website, in the pages of The Good News magazine and on the Beyond Today television program.

An enormous task lies ahead

Obviously, that remarkable time of harmony and peace is not yet here. Satan the devil, as the "god of this age," (2 Corinthians 4:4) remains unbound. He is free, at least for the time being (Revelation 20:3), to continue executing his malicious work of confusion, deception, wickedness and cruelty in the lives of human beings. Knowing this, we must not let down in our efforts to be about our Father's business while we still have time (Luke 2:49, John 14:10). As John 9:4 plainly warns, "The night is coming when no one can work." Therefore we must continue diligently fulfilling our commission to proclaim the second coming of Jesus Christ and to admonish all people to repent of their sins and obey God's commandments (Acts 2:38, 1 John 2:4).

We are grateful for your support and prayers

Jesus announced in Matthew 24:14 that "this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end [of the age] will come." He also proclaimed in Matthew 28:19-20 that His disciples must teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So, an enormous task lies ahead. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your faithful prayers and vital financial support. It means a tremendous amount to us to have you on our team. With your help and Christ's powerful guidance and inspiration we will press on with the great work He has set before us.

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