Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 2

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Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 2

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Do you remember what Grandad and Nanna wrote to you in Chapter 1?

Remember how we learned that Lucifer came to be filled with pride about himself, and he became the enemy of God, so his name was changed to Satan? (Isaiah 14:13-14)

Well, not only did he get the name Satan, but he was also called by God, the Dragon, and the Devil. (Revelation 12:9)

Satan’s fellow bad angels were called demons because they were against God.

Even today, Satan and his demons trick people and make trouble because they still want to fight against God and people who God has created.

The Devil and his demons try to make everyone stop loving God and disobey God even to this day.  (Ephesians 6:11)

So, I here you ask: “Grandad & Nanna, why did God allow Satan and his demons to attack”.

Well, dear child, did all the angels know at the end of the war, who were the angels who loved God and were faithful and who were not?

Yes, they did, and God did too, didn’t He? (Job 4:18, Jude 1:6)

Satan and his demons sinned a great sin and God took away their powers. That is the great penalty of sin. (1 John 3:4, Romans 6:23)

Do you think that human beings are now being tested by God, just as God tested the angels?

Can you remember at the end of our last Chapter Grandad & Nanna said: “What happened next, our child, is very exciting”?

Well God our Father and Jesus His Son, had decided that after the first creation of the dinosaurs, there would be two more creations.

The second creation on this earth is the one we are now experiencing and there is yet a third one to come. (Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1-5)  

But, we are jumping ahead of our Bible Story a little bit, says Nanna.

Well a very long time passed after the battle by the good angels against Satan and his demons.

This world was in darkness, the wind whistled cold and nothing was alive. Water covered the earth.

God decided it was time to start His very important second creation on the earth.

The 1st Day

With His great power, directing the angels, God cleared away the darkness and made light. God glows like bright blazing light, so this was not hard for God to do.

The light was day and the dark was night which was the first day, from sunset to sunset (Genesis 1:3-5).

Did you know that God measures a day from sunset to sunset?

The 2nd Day

On the second day, God made the fresh air to breathe and clouds which is the sky or our atmosphere.

The evening and the morning was the second day, from sunset to sunset (Genesis 1:6-8).

The 3rd Day

On the third day, God had His angels raise the land out of the waters. Then God had them separate the lands and push them around on the huge plates of the earth, to make the continents we know today.

On the land God told the angels to plant all the different wonderful plants and trees and vegetation, with lots of variety on the different continents and islands, God had formed.

The evening and the morning was the third day, from sunset to sunset. (Genesis 1:9-13).

The 4th Day

Remember how Grandad & Nanna talked about how there had been a great war between God and Satan and how many stars like our Sun and other big things like our Moon were damaged and put out of their paths?

Well on the fourth day, God re-set our sun and moon and stars and the earth in their right orbits.

Do you know why God did that and set our earth spinning 1,000 miles per hour at a tilt of 23 degrees?

The sun, moon, earth and stars had to be put in their correct places and orbits, so there would be seasons, months and years.

God appointed those seasons very specially for God’s Holy Days.  But Nanna says Grandad is jumping a bit ahead again, in this exciting story.

The evening and the morning was the fourth day, from sunset to sunset. (Genesis 1:14-19).

The 5th Day

On the fifth day was lots more fun, because God made birds and fish and whales and all creatures that live in the sea.

Can you imagine God’s delight in doing that? (Revelation 4:11)

Yes, God gets a lot of pleasure watching the wonderful, fish and birds in his creation as well as what He created in the previous days and then the 6th and 7th days.

The evening and the morning was the fifth day, from sunset to sunset (Genesis 1:20-23).

The 6th Day

Wow! On the sixth day, God created cattle and all the animals of the earth and ever thing that creeps, and God saw that it was good.

Later on the 6th Day God our Father and Jesus God’s Son said: “Let us make man in our shape, after the way we look. Let him rule the fish and the birds and the cattle, the earth and everything.”

God cleverly put in all living things, the way for each one to make more of their own kind.

Not only did God make the man, who he called Adam, but he put Adam to sleep and took one of his ribs and made his wife Eve. (Genesis 1:26)

The Evening and the morning was the sixth day, from sunset to sunset (Genesis 1:24-31).

Did you know, our child, why God created our human minds far superior to animals?

Because God wanted us to look after them and care for them, and God wanted to have a loving Father to son and daughter family relationship with us humans.

We have the spirit in man that God gave us so that we can think and have loving, kind relationships. Animals have a different spirit, which we call instinct. (1 Corinthians 2:10)

Ask Grandad & Nanna or ask your Mom and Dad and they will explain this better to you.

Our invisible “spirit in man” that God has given us, helps us to use the six main thinking parts of our brain, called our intellect, which are: reason, imagination, perception, willpower, intuition and memory, in a way that animals can’t do.

For example, we can use these 6 major intellectual powers to think and reason, to design plans for a building or a boat or a plane or a rocket; to make funny jokes with a sense of humour; to paint a beautiful painting; to compose music; to write stories; to invent and create wondrous things, etc, which animals can’t do.  

The 7th Day

On the seventh day, God rested from all his work.

God told Adam and Eve to keep the seventh day holy and very special, by us remembering who is our Great Creator God.

The Seventh day is called the Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.

The Sabbath was made for us human beings to enjoy together and to thank God for our lives and our family and friends and for loving us and taking care of everything. It is not a day for us to go to work and earn money like we do the other 6 days of the week. (Exodus 20:8-11)

It is also a day that we can tell God our Father and Jesus His Son, how much we love them. The Sabbath is a special sign that we are God’s children. (Exodus 31:13, Exodus 31:17)

God does not slumber or sleep, but He knew that we would need one day a week to rest and be refreshed in our human spirit with God’s holy spirit, that He gives to us.

So, aren’t we are rich, our child, in having a holiday holy day that God has given us to enjoy every week together with God?

We sure are!

The evening and the morning was the Seventh day of creation, from sunset to sunset (Gen 2:1-3).

…to be continued in Chapter 3.


  • Ken Murray

    That's a good way to tell that part of the story of the Bible to children, KARS.

    Ruth and i are currently working on the next Chapter of Grandad and Nanna's Bible Story, so we will keep in mind what you have written here, with a view to making our next Chapter useful and easy to understand, for young children to read or for parents or grandparents to read to their children.

    Keep up the good work, KARS.

  • KARS

    Long ago and thousands of years, there were two parents by the name of Adam and Eve who were told to be fruitful and multipy. God told all His living creatures both living in the sea and land to be fruitful and multiply. Well, they did.

    Now, only one son by the name of Seth honored his parents and God Almighty. For you see righteous Abel was killed by his brother Cain when Satan entered into his heart.

    Time moves on and the earth is filling up with people and most of them didn't care for God our Father and His ways to live peacefully on the earth He made for us to live on. Evil was growing fast with Satan the Advisary leading the way to destruction like he did before when the angels lived here with the dinosaurs.
    So God took a look and was very, very, unhappy. He would have to destroy the surface of the earth. This would be it's second time! Satan the Advisary did it first; now God would have too.
    But, there was hope! There was one man and his family that loved God the Father so much that God wanted to save this family.
    The name of this man was Noah. He was a righteous man; so God gave him a warning and instructions on what to do to save his family.
    For you see; God loved Noah and told him all about His plans to destroy the surface of the earth. Noah was told how to build a great, great, big boat called "The Ark". Kind of like the big river barges you see carry the trailers of big semi-trucks. You've seen them haven't you?
    Anyway, it took Noah 120 years to build this boat and tell the people to repent and change their evil ways before disaster would come. Do you think they listened?
    Of course not. They enjoyed the evil things they were doing. They like to "Party On!" "Dudes" and "Be exalt to each other."
    Well, it's ok to have nice celebrate joyous occassions like, weddings, Mother's Day, Father's Day, God's Sabbath & Holy Days.
    To give gifts of love for a job well done. But!

    When we go crazy and hurt ourselves with illegal drugs, booze, and break God's commandments we hurt ourselves and that makes God our Father very, very, sad. Well, that is what was happening to the children of the earth. God our of His good compassion and mercy wanted to put them out of their misery. So with everyone laughing at Noah and his family and telling them they were crazy He sent the flood. God told some of the land creatures to go inside the ark too. To be continued.

  • Ken Murray

    What very interesting experiences you have had, KARS.

    Your tertiary studies and reading with feeling, would have been very instructive for your reading to young ones and older ones, these days.

    Have you ever been recorded in your readings?

    Ruthie and i thank you so much for your prayers, SARS. We seem to be receiving answers to our prayers, each time we sit down together to write another chapter.

    We are about to tackle the Bible story about Noah, so any thoughts you might have, will be appreciated.

    After this we will step up the pace to the Exodus, the times of the Judges, the Kings and the Prophets ...leading up to the first coming of Jesus to this Earth (aside from His previous meetings with various patriarchs and prophets, of course).

    It promises to be a fascinating journey, seeking to tell the story in language that parents and grandparents can use in reading to their children well as older children being able to read and understand as well.

    So SARS ...we'd love to have you join us on this journey with any thoughts you would care to contribute.

    Warm regards,
    Ken & Ruth Murray.

  • KARS

    Your welcome. Well, Mr. & Mrs. Murray,
    My mother wanted me to be a school teacher. During my senior year in High School I took an Early Childhood Developement Class after working during summer school at the Schools Daycare Centers and Elementry schools. Then when I graduated I went to a community college for a year and took courses in beginning teaching. One of them was Oral class. At class we learned how to read Dr. Seuss with alot of color, exaggeration, emotion, and excitement when needed.
    It's been alot of fun reading books to children over the years and now I read to grown ups.

    If you like me to share some more stories while you and Mrs. Murray gather your thoughts (btw I am praying for you two too)together just let me know.
    Happy Sabbath to you both.

  • Ken Murray

    That's a very good rendition of that story KARS.

    You're quite a good story teller for children.

    We will have to keep a file on these comments of yours, so we can utilise your ideas then, when we come to that part of the Bible Story.

    Thank you for your contributions.

  • KARS

    This story is at a time when the Israelites had a enemy by the name of the Philistines. And they were alot of trouble and made the Israelites unhappy.
    So one day an angel made a visit to a wife whose husband's name was Mano'ah. They didn't have any kids so the angel told her that she would bare a son and that he would be a Nazarite.

    A Nazarite doesn't drink any wine or strong drink and does not cut their hair. well, she went and told her husband all about it. He prayed to God and asked that the angel be sent back.

    The angel comes back again to Mano'ah's wife and she runs to tell him that the angel is here. Mano'ah then approaches the angel and asks him what he should do to teach and take care of their son to be. The angel tells him to follow all the instructions that he had said before.

    Now, Mano'ah wanted to know the angel's name (which was a secret) and the angel told him that Mano'ah didn't need to know. We are not to worship angels at all; God said so.

    So, Mano'ah decides he wants to offer a burnt offering on a rock and give some of the offering to the angel to eat. The angel tells him he will not eat this offering but to offer it to the LORD. Well, Mano'ah didn't know that the angel was an angel of the LORD.

    So while the offering is being offered the angel of the LORD does some really cool stuff in front of Samson's parents. Then, here is the really niffty and cool thing that the angel of the LORD did; and right in front of his parents too!

    When the flame of the offering got nice and hot and was rising to the sky; the angel walked into the fire and went up with the flame to return to heaven where God lives. Isn't that totally awesome?!

    It was so totally awesome that Samson's parent fell to the ground on their faces and Samson's father thought that God would kill them for they had seen a miracle.
    But Samson's mother said, now why would He do that. He told us (through His angel) that our son would deliver our nation Israel through our son (Samson). And he did.

    Now this is a totally cool story don't you think?

  • KARS

    Ok, Mr. & Mrs. Murray, no problem. I just need to remember what his parents names were. It's about 2 parents and an angel. I will be back after I refresh my memory of this story.
    Have a good day.

  • Ken Murray

    Kars, Ruthie and i like the way you worded your comment above.

    As i said in my reply post to you above, we are working on an overview of the Bible ...the sort of brief that can be read by a parent or grandparent or great grandparent over a relatively short period of time.

    However, your reminder of Elijah's story in your phraseology, is a "must-write" into our brief overview.

    Once we do the overview ...we plan to come back and fill in those other exciting stories, Kars, that you made general mention about.

    So, if there are any other exciting ones you would like to describe in your own language, Kars, we'd be glad to use them as we progress this greatest of all stories ...God's truths in the Bible.

    With God's blessing and inspiration, this can be a family effort. :)

  • KARS

    Well I can hardly wait.
    I know about some pretty awesome things He did in the Bible during Old Testament times. Not just the new.

    When I need some cheering up, a prayer to be lead by His spirit to read a story of trail and triumph. I like the story of the talking donkey and his riders trip to the top of the hill. There the false prophets were hurting themselves to have their sacrifice excepted.
    The miracle that day was God our Father's prophet's sacrifice was soak in water. He prayed and then;

    Poof! It was gone. Yeah! That's what I call awesome. High 5 for our God. He is amazing and cannot be outdone. He is the only God.

  • Ken Murray

    Well, thank you for your encouragement KARS.

    It means a lot to my lovely wife Ruthie and me.

    We must get ourselves prayerfully busy now, about preparing the next chapter, for our grand children, and other children around the world we see that they are being published.

    We are planning to do a brief overview of the Bible, to illustrate the wonderful plan God has for our children and all of mankind be in God's Family forever.

    Once we do the brief Children's Bible Story, well then we will go back and fill in many of the remarkable stories and lessons in the Bible that illustrate God's love for us and the phenomenal plan God our Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour has for us.

    Warm regards,
    Ken Murray.

  • KARS

    A thumbs up and high 5 for this Bible Story for kids and kids at heart. I am enjoying this. Thank you. :o>

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