Growing Up in God's Church

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Growing Up in God's Church

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I am a fifth-generation Christian and have spent my entire life growing up in God’s Church. I have been around God’s way of life and His teachings since I was brought into this world. For me this has been a normal way of life. There were some things about “growing up in the Church” as I was beginning to understand and grow in maturity that did present challenges over the years.

All through my childhood I was taught the stories of the Bible as well as God’s commandments. The difference between right and wrong was always laid out before me. And this presented trials as I entered into my mid and late teen years. I didn’t feel like I had a chance to figure out what I believed was right and wrong on my own.

In my high school years I had intense pressure as I began to participate in sports, band and other extracurricular activities because almost all of these would conflict with the Sabbath and Holy Days—a deep root for my faith. While I knew it was wrong to participate in these things on God’s holy time, it hit me hard to see the difference between my friends who did not grow up in the Church.

I had to begin to continually research my beliefs and know not that participating in these activities was wrong, but why it was wrong and be convicted by what God says. This was a wake-up call because I felt like growing up in God’s Church had a very nice pillow around myself that shielded me for years from all the pulls of this world—I was told the right way to go and didn’t question why before.

Now I am glad that I looked into God’s Word and decided to start making my beliefs my own. I was very blessed to have grown up in the Church and for knowing the Word of God since I was young. It made God and His way of life a natural part of my life that I love very much.

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  • David L. Nunn

    Hello David--thanks for this insightful post. I was not raised in God's Church, but came in at age 32. I had many false doctrines to unlearn, having been raised with the traditional Protestant views. While you didn't have to unlearn things, you still had to perform the common task of making the Truth "your own." While those walking in the Truth come from different places, we all have to make the same choice--will I respond to God's calling, or will I go my own way? Its a choice we have to keep making every day of our life.

    Thanks for your encouraging blog. It is great to see UCG young people moving forward in faith and repentance.

  • KARS

    @ Mr. Browning: Thanks for your article.

    @ Mrs. Brown: I came from a Catholic backround and checkout others after attending God's church at the age of 20 years old. I however, was not being called at the time. I just went through the motions of keeping the Sabbaths and Holy Days. Like most Christian churches over time, splinters have occur. Just like the Catholic church did years ago. Othrodox vs. Catholics of Rome. Anyway, splinters came and I left to a very well know group from Salt Lake.
    You are absolutely right! It is hard to undo false doctrine. It takes everyday repentance, Bible Study, studying the sermons from the ministry, articles, Good News magazine, etc. For what happens is; just when you think you have grasped the truth; that old nasty doctrine comes swimming in to take one; 2 steps back and only 1 step forward.
    And that scripture that was taught wrong will come to haunt one; once again. So I have learned to read the whole chapter with a prayer for understanding and discernment first in the name of Christ to help me undo the mess I got myself in. It needs to be put into context. And don't forget to ask questions when you are not sure. For the sheep in wolves clothing are good at twisting the scriptures for their own personel agenda.
    I have chosen to have the additude of the Bereans of the N.T.

  • Michael Gardner

    I could say many of the same things Triciabrown and Lisabee wrote because I agree with much of what they wrote , but I have a totally different point of view. You see, I was a soldier. I learned many things that I wish I never had. I also was in a war.
    This was a war long before you were born.

    I have spent many years unlearning the horrors I learned and replacing them with the peace of God's truth. It is a long hard process, but I have found it is VERY rewarding.

    I like the analogy of the Pillow! I haven't thought of God's way as a pillow, but it is nice. Please keep up the good work.

    Michael Gardner

  • David Browning

    Triciabrown thank you for your comment! It sounds like you went through your fair share of trials this Spring Holy Day season but you have remained in a good attitude and are using it to spring board you into the next year so stay strong!

  • lisabee

    Great article, David! I agree 100% with your comment about it creating a pillow around us...that's why it's so important to make it "your faith" not just the "faith of our fathers". The rubber has to meet the road!

    In some ways it is even harder for those who grew up in the church to make the decision to make it their own...many choose to experience everything the world has to offer first once they are "free" at the ripe age of 18. Once tasted though, it is very hard to refuse the fruit the world is offering and makes it that much harder to return back to God.

    But God never changes. He is always there and will always welcome you back into His everloving arms...

    I'm very proud of you for all that you have become...and I'm not just saying that because I'm your big sister...(giggle!)

  • triciabrown

    Such a nice blog! I can only wish that I grew up in Gods Church. I was raised seventh day -adventist, and now that I am an adult coming into my own beliefs I find it very very difficult to pull away from the wrong religion to the right religion. It is great that you were taught this from the beginning. It is extremely hard to try to transform in the adult years, and to try to figure it all out so i can teach my children the right way. This year we attempted to celebrate passover but we failed miserably. Everything that could go wrong went wrong from my hose on my vac busting while cleaning out one of our cars to my car never around except on rainy days. I have been battling with sickness so we just didnt get started early enough. However we will not give up we have another year to learn and grow and hopefully by next year we will on top of our game! I understand about the high school years and I know I will have some big challenges when it comes to my children when they hit school ages.

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