Humanity's Most-asked Question: "Why Were You Born?" to Be Addressed at United Church of God public Bible Presentation

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Humanity's Most-asked Question

"Why Were You Born?" to Be Addressed at United Church of God public Bible Presentation

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From BBC research to legendary psychologists, the age-old question "why were you born?" shows up as the most-asked question in human history. "In the uncertain age that we live in, understanding the answer to the question 'why was I born' can help people find peace, meaning and real spiritual strength," says national TV host and author Gary Petty, who will lead a major presentation in Cincinnati, Ohio on Sept. 10.

High-profile Interstate billboards and other media with the message "Why Were You Born?" (reflecting the most-asked question in human history) announced the upcoming United Church of God-sponsored public Bible presentation during the month of August. Set for Sept. 10 in east Cincinnati, the event will include a multi-media presentation featuring national Beyond Today television host Gary Petty.

"In the uncertain age that we live in, understanding the question 'why was I born' can help people find peace, meaning and real spiritual strength," explained Petty, who pastors three Christian congregations in Texas in addition to his role as a Beyond Today TV host.

"From research conducted by the BBC to legendary psychiatric professionals like Victor Frankel, the question 'Why were you born' and its variants 'Why do I exist?' or 'Does my life have meaning or purpose?' show up as the most asked in all of human history," said Victor Kubik, president of the United Church of God. "The Bible includes a great deal of exciting information that answers these questions, so Gary will present critical biblical truth that many will find interesting, illuminating and practical."

The Sept. 1o event will take place at the Holiday Inn Eastgate, just off of the I-275 on the eastern side of Cincinnati (4501 Eastgate Boulevard, Cincinnati, Ohio). The event will be begin at 7:30 and last a little over an hour, all presented free of charge to the public.

Understanding humanity's purpose from a biblical perspective allows a person to better appreciate and tap the spiritual power available to Christians, continued Kubik. "God has a discoverable and definite purpose for each one of us, and this presentation will make that plain, as well offering practical advice to improve one's life" he said.

While reservations are not required, they are encouraged so planners can provide adequate space and resources. More information about the event and a registration form is available at

In addition to Petty's regular appearance on the Beyond Today national TV program, he also makes regular contributions to the Good News magazine, a free international Christian publication available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and other languages. He also authored and published a work on early Christian history, titled Plato's Shadow: The Hellenizing of Christianity, which is available on Amazon and other retail outlets.

During the presentation Petty will be joined by Steve Myers, another host of the Beyond Today program, who also pastors a Cincinnati congregation of the United Church of God. Darris McNeely, the third Beyond Today host, will also be on hand at the event with others. The three men will be available, together with other Church officials, to answer additional questions at the event.

The "Why Were You Born" presentation is being made in the public interest. No collections for funding or appeals to join any organization will be made. "Jesus Christ instructed His disciples, 'Freely received, freely given,' and we follow that," Kubik said.  A free companion copy of the Church's Bible study guide "Why Were You Born?" and other relevant handouts will be distributed free to attendees, he added.

The Church is considering producing additional public Bible presentations in cities across the United States and Canada.

(This was first published as a press release at



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