"I Will NOT Send You Back"

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"I Will NOT Send You Back"

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“I will not send you back,” the social worker told her newly adopted son Taylor.

Social worker Connie Going from Florida had placed over 1,000 Tampa Bay-area foster kids with adoptive parents when Taylor came along. Taylor and his siblings were thrown into the foster care system in 2003 because his drug-addicted parents neglected them. Taylor and his siblings were adopted, but Taylor’s anger issues caused the adoptive families to send him back to the children’s homes. 

After the second time he was sent back, 10-year-old Taylor broke his social worker Connie’s heart. “All I could think about was how he was feeling and how he was blaming himself again,” she says.

The next day she made arrangements to drop him as a client and take him on as a son. She had looked all over for somebody to parent him. “And it was me,” she says. Connie decided to become his mom instead of his social worker.

In one of his angry moments after he began living with her, he decided to run away. As he was going out the door, Connie told him, “Taylor, I am not going to send you back.” He realized he had found someone who would love him through the good times and the bad. Someone who would not send him packing. “Yeah, this is where I belong,” Taylor says. “She knows my worst side and she still cares about me and still loves me.”

Like Taylor, I grew up in the foster system, living in eight different homes and two children’s homes. I too felt that it was my fault whenever I was sent back. Like Taylor, if it got too hard, the foster family would send me packing, because I wasn’t really theirs.

Taylor’s story and my own experience reminded of our relationship with God. For many different reasons we can have insecurities about our relationship with God.

We sometimes feel like if we mess up, God is done with us. But that is just not the case. No matter what you have done, no matter what sin you may commit, God will never give up on you! Never! You can choose to leave God, but He will never leave you! He is invested in you! He will keep His promises to you. 

Paul wrote it beautifully when he wrote in Romans 8:38-39,

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

So if you fall, if you mess up, or you feel you are not worthy of love, get back up. Know that God is there to give you comfort, to love you, to encourage you forward. He understands you and is invested in you. He knows the good, the bad and the ugly—and He still loves you.

God will not send you back when you mess up! Because you are not His foster child—you are His adopted child.

Read the original story of Taylor by Steve Hartman on CBS on Dec. 27, 2013.

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  • Janet Treadway
    FJR, I was very touched by your comments. We do carry with us negative baggage from our past and In particular from our childhood. What we have gone through is never an excuse to not overcome and grow, or use it as a crutch. But it is still tough, and hard to rise above those insecurities. That is where God comes in and does His greatest work in all of us. He knows more than anyone else what we have come from, how we tick, our insecurities, and knows exactly how to work with us. He certainly is the master potter of fixing broken vessels. With all that I have gone through I should probably be in a mental institution, and many people are, but God has been awesome in my life. He has worked miracles in my life and most of all I have seen Him answer prayer after prayer. Read my article "The Windmill". Good for you for overcoming your addiction and writing about it so that you can help others. Always remember, as long as we keep trying, God will Never, Never, Send us back. or give up on us.
  • Fjr
    Thank you Janet! Each and every one of your writings speak deeply to my heart,this one included.Its not uncommon for me to think God is ready to give me the boot so to speak or give up on me.Its a real challenge to think that He knows how I really am and still wants anything to do with me.I came into the church at 35(now 38)and I am a recovering alcoholic. I wrote 2 articles that are in the Breaking Free Journal for the U.C.G.on my battle w/alcoholism and how God has helped me to not live like that anymore. I am sharing that with you because it may help to give you insight as to my mindset and why your writings have such a profound effect on me.Someone once told me that the same issues I have with my earthly father are the same ones I will have with my heavenly Father and that is very true for me. Its hard to believe that God wants to be there for me. This writing on this page makes me want to cry so I keep going to other places on the computer so I dont break down while reading it again and again and again. I sincerely thank you for having the courage and strength to share your story with others because you are helping people to deal with core issues. In the very least I want you to know that you help me constantly with your writings.One thing I am realizing is that core issues and the sad thoughts never go away, they seem to be diminished so we do not live out the bad things anymore. I can not get enough of what you have to say, thanks again Janet! May God richly bless you and your entire family!
  • Janet Treadway

    I just saw this and I am so sorry I did not see it when you wrote it. You are indeed an inspiration and a gift from God to help others. That is how people heal by reaching out to help others. Keep doing what you are doing

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